Gastronomi Eğitiminde Kavram Yanılgıları (Misconceptions in Gastronomy Education)


  • Mehmet SARIOĞLAN



Gastronomy, Gastronomy education, Misconceptions in education


In philosophical currents, there is a need for unique concepts to be accepted as a science. Although the phenomenon of gastronomy is composed of unique concepts like every other branch of science, it can be met with many misconceptions about the concepts during its education. In the study, it has been tried to determine the result of which training method is more effective in eliminating misconceptions in gastronomy education by making pre-test and post-test with 48 kitchen workers who have already received various levels of gastronomy training on cooking techniques and are still active in the food and beverage industry. In this context, six basic groups of eight people have been formed. Different training methods and different training methods (collaborative education model, project-based education model, inquiry-based education model, out-of-class education model, problem-based education model and 5E-7E model) were applied to each study group. With the study, it has been determined with which training methods the misconceptions about cooking methods can be eliminated more effectively.


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How to Cite

SARIOĞLAN, M. (2023). Gastronomi Eğitiminde Kavram Yanılgıları (Misconceptions in Gastronomy Education). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(4), 3408–3425.

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