Uçak Kaygılarının Turistik Seyahatlere Etkisine Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Study on the Effects of Airplane Concerns on Tourist Travels)


  • Cevdet AVCIKURT
  • Mehmet SARIOĞLAN
  • Gencay SAATÇİ
  • Yakup DİNÇ




Concerns, Tourist travels, Airlines


The study was carried out to determine flight anxiety, which is one of the most important phenomena that cause travel restrictions of individuals. Quantitative research methods were used in this study and 498 participants contributed to the research. It has been revealed that the participants are predominantly young and have an average income of 5001-7000 TL. It is seen that the participants who prefer this means of transportation for visiting their relatives and for holiday purposes are predominant and they travel 1-5 times and also prefer to travel by plane due to the short and comfortable travel time. On the other hand, it has been determined that the reasons for anxiety of the individuals during plane travels mostly occur in situations such as being late, waiting for the departure of the plane and delayed, and they try to sleep on the plane or spend time with written media and use sedative drugs to overcome these and similar concerns. Finally, it was determined that the participants experienced discomfort such as low back pain, stomach pain and blood pressure after traveling by plane due to the anxiety and stress they experienced.


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How to Cite

AVCIKURT, C., SARIOĞLAN, M., SAATÇİ, G., & DİNÇ, Y. (2023). Uçak Kaygılarının Turistik Seyahatlere Etkisine Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A Study on the Effects of Airplane Concerns on Tourist Travels). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(1), 553–572. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.803

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