Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies <p>Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies is an academic, refereed, online and open access journal publishing research, review, and theoretical articles in the field of tourism and gastronomy. The journal is published four times a year. The articles to be submitted should be in English or Turkish. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies welcomes articles from different institutions and countries. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies is sent to the referees after the initial review of the editorial board with respect to formatting and content. Manuscripts must be submitted in accordance with the style of writing specified in the book of “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition).</p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 17.4352px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: justify; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;"> </span></p> en-US (Prof.Dr. İrfan YAZICIOĞLU) (Prof.Dr. İrfan YAZICIOĞLU) Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 Brand Museum Networking in Between Criticism and Affirmation: Analytical and Critical Review for Cultural Destination Developers <p>This paper explores the concept of brand museum networking, examining how franchised museums such as the Guggenheim Bilbao and Louvre Abu Dhabi influence global cultural landscapes. Through a balanced analysis of the economic, social, and cultural impacts of museum networking, the study highlights both the affirmations and criticisms of this model. Critics raise concerns over cultural homogenization, commercialization, and the loss of authenticity, while proponents emphasize increased accessibility, economic revitalization, and the role of museums in cultural diplomacy. Key trends shaping the future of museum franchising include digital expansion, the adoption of sustainable practices, and the need for inclusive and participatory models that engage local communities. This study also identifies several avenues for future research, including the impact of franchising on local cultural identity, the long-term economic effects on host cities, and the use of digital technologies in extending museum experiences. Ultimately, the paper provides insights for cultural destination developers on how to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by museum franchising in a globalized world.</p> Sedat YÜKSEL Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Dijital Deneyim Müzelerindeki Sergileme Biçimi, Koleksiyon ve Tema Yaklaşımlarının İncelenmesi (Examination of Exhibition Format, Collection and Theme Approaches in Digital Experience Museums) <p>This article focuses on the exhibition methods, collection structure, and thematic approaches of digital experience museums. It examines the differences and similarities between museums offering digital experiences and those utilizing smart technologies, while conceptually defining the characteristics of digital experience museums. In digital experiences museums; digital collections, and technologies are used to enrich the museum theme. From this perspective, digital experience museums are distinguished from museums using smart technology and traditional museums In this study; the differences in the services of museums according to their collections, exhibition styles, and themes have been identified, and the characteristics of digital experience museums are conceptually determined and explained in general terms.</p> Mert ÜNAL , Oktay EMİR Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Gastronomi/Gastronomik, Mutfak ve Yemek Turizmi: Kavramlar Arasında Bir Ayrım ve Tartışma (Gastronomy/Gastronomic, Culinary, and Food Tourism: A Conceptual Distinction and Discussion) <p>The increase in tourism activities has been accompanied by a significant rise in travels focused on culinary culture. With the influence of social media platforms and food television programs featuring world-renowned chefs, restaurants and events, food and food-related travel has become mainstream. In Turkey, especially after 2010, there has been a significant increase in the number of institutions and academics providing education in this field with the growing interest in cooking and gastronomy and culinary arts education. This situation has also contributed to an increase in the number of academic studies in the related field. While it is seen that the majority of the studies published in the TR Index journal list in Turkey are concentrated under the title of “gastronomy tourism” (99%), it has been determined that researchers in the international literature address the title of the study with different titles such as “gastronomy / gastronomic tourism” (29%), “food tourism” (46%) and “culinary tourism” (25%). In this context, the main purpose of the study is to evaluate the contribution of these concepts to the literature by examining the usage areas of these different headings used in foreign literature. The results of the research show that the term “gastronomy tourism” can be widely used in studies on eating and drinking behaviors in general, while the definitions of “culinary tourism” and “food tourism” are more clear, limited and understandable.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sait DOĞAN , Yasin ÖZASLAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Moleküler Gastronominin Türk Mutfak Kültürü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Molecular Gastronomy in Terms of Turkish Cuisine Culture) <p>Recently, with the increasing use of digital media, especially with the influence of social media, changes in eating and drinking habits have been observed. The trend of change in eating and drinking habits has not only increased interest in different cuisines, but also led to the preference of different cooking techniques. Molecular gastronomy is one of the preferred cooking techniques among these different cooking techniques. This method is a scientific field that includes the basic ingredients that make up the food, food components, additives, food preparation method and the appreciation of the food by consumers. The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of academicians who provide education in this field in Turkey on the evaluation of molecular gastronomy in terms of Turkish culinary culture. Qualitative research method was used within the scope of the research. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 17 academicians who are experts in their field and provide applied education. Data were obtained through a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained were interpreted with descriptive content analysis technique. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there are differences between molecular gastronomy and molecular cuisine, molecular cuisine applications in universities in Turkey can be applied if adequate equipment and infrastructure are provided, molecular gastronomy can be applied in terms of health.</p> Zeynep MESCİ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 On the Traces of Authenticity for Local Cuisine: Nevsehir’s Key Local Agricultural Products <p>This study investigates the key local agricultural products which are the base for the authentic local cuisine of Nevsehir province. In order to determine the genuinely authentic, rather than claimed, local cuisine elements, some pre-research was conducted with experts. After determining the key local agricultural products, the villages/towns/districts in which these local products are grown/made were visited to gather in depth information on the products’ history and current issues related to them. The study adopted a qualitative approach and 16 key people were interviewed through semi-structured interviews in Ürgüp, Bahçeli, Ayhan, Topaç, Kalaba, and Kaymaklı. The findings indicate that these products, despite being quite authentic, face serious threats such as related social issues, climate change, and marketing/promotion disadvantages. The results also illustrate that the social context of any local cuisine is as important as other factors. In addition, flavor issues in the related products are reported by the interviewees, which could be another serious threat. Future research prospects of the key issues are proposed in the discussion part.</p> Onur Şevket YILDIZ , Gamze ÇOBAN YILDIZ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Mutfak Farkındalığı ve Özgünlüğü: Adana Mutfağına Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Culinary Awareness and Authenticity: A Study on Adana Cuisine) <p>The gastronomic identity of Adana, with its rich variety of unique options, offers significant advantages in terms of gastronomy tourism and tourism marketing. Recent positive developments in gastronomy and gastronomic tourism have also contributed positively to Adana cuisine. Therefore, in this study, it was aimed to determine the views of the local population of Adana on the authenticity of Adana cuisine, the frequency of cooking authentic and traditional foods, geographical indication products, and local culinary awareness. According to the results of the study, the image awareness of Adana cuisine is generally positive. The proposition with the highest image awareness is ‘Adana dishes are attractive,’ while the proposition ‘Adana dishes are cooked with scientific techniques’ has the lowest image awareness. In the study, 27 dishes were identified as unique to Adana, while 11 dishes were not considered unique to Adana. Uncertainty was noted regarding 13 dishes. In terms of the relationship between the frequency of cooking foods and gender, women reported that 10 dishes are never cooked, while men reported 1 dish as never cooked. No gender differences were found in 39 dishes.</p> Cemal İNCE , İbrahim Cemal GENÇAY , Şeyma ÇAKAZ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Akıllı Turizm Uygulamalarının Kentlerin Turizm Alanındaki Dirençliliğine ve Sürdürülebilirliğine Etkisi (The Effect of Smart Tourism Applications on The Resilience and Sustainability of Cities in the Field of Tourism) <p>Kentlerin artan nüfusu, insan ihtiyaçlarının yaşanan gelişmelere bağlı olarak artması ve değişiklik göstermesi, iklim değişikliğinin etkilerinin belirginleşerek artması kentlerde sorun ve ihtiyaçları beraberinde getirmektedir. Altyapı, ulaşım, çevre yönetimi, güvenlik vb. alanlarda ortaya bu çıkan sorunların ve ihtiyaçların karşılanmasında etkin ve sürdürülebilir çözümlerin üretilmesi kentsel sürdürülebilirliğin ve dirençliliğin sağlanmasında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Kentlerin karşı karşıya kaldıkları sorunlara çözüm üretebilmelerinin yanında kentsel hizmetlerin hızlı, kesintisiz ve sürdürülebilir şekilde sunulması gerekmektedir. Kentsel hizmetlerin hızlı, kesintisiz ve sürdürülebilir şekilde sunulmasında akıllı kent uygulamaları, kentlerin önemli bir çözüm ortağını oluşturmaktadır. Kentlerin yaşanabilirlik düzeyinin, rekabet gücünün ve dirençliliğinin artması noktasında akıllı kent uygulamaları ürettiği çözümlerle etkin rol üstlenmektedir. Turizm, akıllı kent uygulamalarının kentlerde çözüm ürettiği alanlardan birisi olarak yer almaktadır. Kentlerin sahip oldukları potansiyellerin ortaya çıkarılması ve geliştirilmesinde bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanarak yenilikçi ve sürdürülebilir çözümler sunan akıllı kent sistemleri, kentlerin turizm potansiyelinin artmasına da katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma akıllı turizm uygulamalarının, kentlerin turizm potansiyelinin güçlenmesin, rekabet edebilirliğine, marka değerine, turizm alanında dirençliliğine ve sürdürülebilirliğine olan etkisini betimleyici bir yöntemle açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de akıllı turizm alanında hizmet sunmakta olan uygulamaların incelenmesiyle de çalışmanın temel argümanını güçlendirmektedir. Bunun yanında akıllı turizm uygulamalarının önündeki engellerin neler olduğu tartışılarak, çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde birtakım çözüm önerileri sunulacaktır.</p> Muhammed Miraç ASLAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yeme-İçme Sektöründe Yaşanılan Dijital Dönüşüme Yönelik Mutfak Şeflerinin Bakış Açısı: Mersin İli Örneği (The Virtual Transformation in The Food and Beverage Industry and The Perspective of Chefs: The Case of Mersin) <p>In recent years, advanced technology applications such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have emerged as significant tools that enable chefs to enhance their creativity and skills. This study examines the perspectives of chefs on the use of VR and AR applications. To this end, the qualitative research method of face-to-face interviews was employed. Interviews were conducted with 15 expert restaurant chefs located in Mersin. The data were analyzed and visualized using Microsoft Power BI. The results indicate that while the sector conditions in Mersin are not yet optimal, the positive outlook of chefs towards VR and AR applications highlights the potential of these technologies to increase creativity and efficiency. These technologies allow chefs to prepare innovative and delicious dishes by integrating them with traditional cooking methods, while also having the capacity to improve kitchen operations. In the future, it is expected that chefs will adopt and utilize these technologies more widely.</p> Ecem İNCE KARAÇEPER Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 A New Concept in Gastronomy: Cinegastronomy <p>In this study, we aimed to define the theoretical and conceptual framework of cinegastronomy, a new concept we seek to introduce in the field of gastronomy. To achieve this, we conducted an electronic brainstorming session with 55 cinema professionals using the AnswerGarden® program. We analyzed the collected data using content analysis to create themes, and employed the nominal prioritization technique to prioritize these themes. As a result, we divided the concept of cinegastronomy into three main themes and twelve sub-themes: (1) gastronomic symbols, (2) the meeting of cinema and gastronomy, and (3) the reflection of humans and food in cinema. The twelve sub-themes are ranked in order of importance, with the top three being: (1) a narrative and representation tool within film; (2) innovative and engaging; and (3) the combined use of gastronomy and signs in cinema. Overall, we define cinegastronomy as the expression of gastronomic perceptions and, beyond that, realistic or metaphorical indicators through cinematographic techniques.</p> Murat DOĞAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Turizm İşletmelerinde Yapay Zekâ Uygulamaları: Fırsatlar ve Kısıtlılıklar (Artificial Intelligence Applications (AIA) for Tourism Businesses: Opportunities and Challenges) <p>The aim of this study is to contribute to the body of knowledge by identifying the opportunities and potential challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the tourism industry from the perspective of tourism businesses, and to provide practical recommendations for industry representatives. In this context, a review of the existing literature was conducted, and relevant industry practices were examined. The findings indicate that AI applications in the tourism industry offer significant benefits, including 24/7 uninterrupted service encounter, improved operational and labor efficiency, increased guest satisfaction, enhanced service quality, cost reduction, and personalized service delivery. However, it has been observed that there are also challenges for tourism businesses, such as the lack of creativity and human touch, high investment, installation, maintenance, and update costs, privacy and security concerns, resistance to change from employees and guests, and job security concerns among employees. The positive impact of these technologies on guest satisfaction appears to be possible through human and AI collaboration. Given the expected widespread use of AI in the tourism industry in the future, tourism businesses are recommended to adopt innovative and adaptive strategies. In this regard, the study emphasizes the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration for the sustainable integration of AI in the tourism industry.</p> Fikret ETÇİ, Mustafa YILMAZ, Kurtuluş KARAMUSTAFA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Spiritüel Turizm Etkinliklerinde Gastronominin Rolü: Potansiyel ve Fırsatların Keşfi (The Role of Gastronomy in Spiritual Tourism Activities: Exploring Potential and Opportunities) <p>The aim of this research is to identify the services provided by businesses offering spiritual tourism activities in Turkey within the scope of gastronomy and to reveal the gastronomic tourism potential of these businesses. In the study, the websites of tourism businesses offering spiritual tourism activities in the context of healthy living, spiritual, and physical cleansing were examined between September 1, 2023, and February 1, 2024. Seven tourism businesses that emphasize healthy eating, the provision of organic and local food, along with spiritual activities, were selected as samples. The data were subjected to content analysis using the MAXODA qualitative data analysis program, and coding was carried out according to the relevant themes. The examined businesses offer activities aimed at directing people towards healthy living spiritually, physically, and mentally. In this context, they provide opportunities to participate in various spiritual tourism activities such as yoga, retreat camps, family constellations, nature walks, and holistic massages. Additionally, these tourism businesses offer organic and healthy foods, local/regional dishes, and homemade products within the scope of gastronomy, incorporate good agricultural practices and sustainable farming practices, create special menus unique to Turkish and world cuisines, provide gastronomy training, and hold gastronomy talks. In this context, it has been determined that these businesses have gastronomic tourism potential with their focus on organic, local, regional flavors and diverse menu types.</p> Asuman PEKYAMAN , Asilhan Semih MUTLU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Müziğin Tadı: Duyular Arası Etkileşim Müziğin Tat Algısına Etkisi (Taste of Music: Intersensory Interaction The Influence of Music on the Perception of Taste) <p>This study focuses on sensory interaction. In this context, an in-depth investigation has been conducted into what sensory interaction is and how it occurs. Various sources have been examined based on previous studies in this field, and two different pieces of music and one dish were selected. The selected pieces of music were created by some researchers for sensory interaction studies. These music pieces are compatible with both bitter and sweet tastes. For the purpose of the experiment, a dish from Korean cuisine, "sweet and spicy chicken," was chosen. The reason for selecting this dish is that it contains both spicy and sweet flavors. A sensory analysis experiment has been planned with the selected music and dish. The study employed the method of sensory analysis. In this context, three different tastings were conducted. The same tasters were presented with the selected dish during three phases: two different music conditions and one no-music control group. Statistical analysis results revealed that the music associated with the bitter taste significantly manipulated the perception of the spiciness in the dish, enhancing it.</p> Adnan AYDIN, İlkay YILMAZ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Sürdürülebilir Bölge Kalkınması, Gastronomi Turizmi ve Pazarlama Kapsamında Yöresel Yemekler (Local Foods in the Scope of Sustainable Regional Development, Gastronomy Tourism and Marketing) <p>The aim of the research is to determine the factors affecting the use of local dishes as 'gastronomic tourism products' in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region. In this context, it is tried to determine the role of local food in the development of a region sustainability that ensures economic viability in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region and what kind of marketing process is needed in order to benefit from local food in gastronomy tourism. The study questions are tried to answered by using qualitative research method. The data development process was carried out using semi structured interviews and document analysis. The interviews were conducted with 14 participants selected on a voluntary basis. The semi-structured questionnaire used in the interviews was created in line with the document analysis on the subject. These qualitative data were primarily analysed through content analysis. Research findings indicate that the most important obstacle affecting usage of local dishes within the scope of gastronomy tourism in Kızılırmak Section of the Central Anatolia Region is that 'gastronomic vision' has not been formed in these regions. In this context, it is observed that an effective marketing strategy isn’t formed also in the region.</p> Ayla AYDIN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Rize’de Faaliyet Gösteren Seyahat Acentalarının Profil İncelemesi ve Tur İçeriklerinin Tematik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi (Profile Revıew of Travel Agencies Operating in Rize and Thematic Evaluation of Tour Contents) <p>Travel agencies have an important position in marketing touristic attractions and delivering them to tourists who are the final consumers. Travel agencies undertake an important mission in order to make the wide tourism potential of Rize visible. The aim of this research is to examine the profile of travel agencies operating in Rize and to determine the themes of the tour contents they offer. For this purpose, the profile of travel agencies and the prominent themes of tour contents were revealed in the research. Qualitative research design was preferred as the method of the research and the research population consists of agencies affiliated to TURSAB operating in Rize province.&nbsp; According to the current data obtained from the Rize Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism website, the num-ber of agencies operating in Rize and having a valid operating certificate is 82. While examining the profile of travel agencies the entire travel agency population in Rize was taken into consideration. However, in order to determine the themes of the tour contents, 27 agencies that have a website, whose tour contents are included on the website and whose field of operation is travel organization were determined as the study group. As a result of the research, the majority of the agencies operating in Rize (46%) are located in the city center of Rize and all of them are Group A travel agencies. It was observed that the majority of these agencies (59%) do not have a website. When the tour contents are evaluated, it is observed that the theme of natural features stands out in general. It was determined that the most frequently encountered expressions in tour programmes for Rize were "Çamlıhemşin", "Ayder plateau", "nature walk", "Kaçkar mountains" and "Fırtına valley" respectively.</p> Esin AYSEN, Burcu Ayşenur SAKLI Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Travel Motivations of Spiritual Tourists <p>This article aims to identify the motivations that lead tourists to spiritual trips and to determine the differences between the motivations of Turkish tourists living in Turkey for traveling to spiritual sites in Turkey and the travel motivations of tourists from different cultures living in other countries. With the convenience sampling method, 408 Turkish tourists living in Turkey and 301 tourists from different cultures living in other countries were reached. Frequency distributions were examined, and t-test was applied. Significant differences were found according to the demographic characteristics of spiritual tourists living in Turkey and other countries and the push and pull motivations that lead them to travel. Based on the results of the study, it has been possible to make suggestions about the necessary marketing practices in terms of spiritual tourism in order to increase awareness of spiritual areas and to have the desired importance.</p> Burcu Gülsevil BELBER Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Hattuşa Antik Kenti Ziyaretçi Deneyimlerinin Analizi: Google Yorumları Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma (Analysis of Visitor Experiences at the Ancient City of Hattuşa: A Qualitative Study Based on Google Reviews) <p>This study aims to analyze the experiences of local and foreign tourists visiting the ancient city of Hattusa through comments on the Google Maps platform. The research aims to contribute to creating strategies for developing the area in terms of sustainable tourism by revealing visitors' perceptions, satisfaction levels, expectations and suggestions regarding Hattusa. A qualitative approach was adopted and 475 visitor comments on the Google Maps platform were analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the analysis, visitor experiences were categorized under four main themes: emotional, cognitive, relational and behavioral. The results show that Hattusa has a strong historical and cultural impact on visitors, but there are some areas for improvement in infrastructure and promotion. Based on the study results, it is recommended that guidance services be increased, resources for the restoration of the ancient city be allocated, visitor information systems improved, and a comprehensive promotional strategy be created to increase the region's tourism potential.</p> Çağdaş AYDIN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Profesyonel Aşçıların Gözünden Sosyal Medya: Yemek Paylaşımı Yapan Fenomenler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (Social Media from the Perspective of Professional Chefs: An Evaluation of Food Sharing Phenomenons) <p>Companies that market products and services via social media have recently changed their strategies and promoted themselves through influencers (influencers) and celebrities. Among these influencers, there are sometimes professional and amateur chefs who share their own recipes using the products of famous brands. The study focused on the evaluation of influencers who share food through the eyes of chefs who live in a small Anatolian city, Çankırı, work according to recipes and are experts in the field of traditional Turkish cuisine culture. The aim of this study is to evaluate influencers who share food through the eyes of professional masters and to include different ideas, opinions and suggestions on this subject. In addition, the extent to which master chefs follow the influencers in question and whether they are influenced by them is included in the subject of the study. The qualitative research model interview technique was used in the study. Interviews were conducted with 10 professional chefs who work with standard recipes. In the study, it was concluded that professional chefs were not influenced by social media influencers, on the contrary, they found them inadequate and incorrect and offered suggestions on this subject. The study is important in terms of its originality and being an example for other studies.</p> Gönül GÖKER, Mustafa TECİMEN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yiyecek İçecek Sektöründe Dijital Pazarlamanın Etkileri: Le Petit Chef Örneği (The Effects of Digital Marketing in The Food and Beverage Industry: The Case of Le Petit Chef) <p>It examines the transformation of digital marketing into digital gastronomy, focusing on the concept of virtual restaurants. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, and data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews and participant observation methods. Within the scope of the study, Le Petit Chef, a virtual restaurant operating in Antalya, Turkey, was analyzed. Using the participant observation technique, the author attended a dining show at the restaurant to gather data and subsequently conducted an interview with the restaurant's manager to delve deeper into the subject. The findings of the study were obtained using the descriptive analysis method. The aim of this study is to highlight the awareness and preference levels of restaurants utilizing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies and to contribute to the literature by demonstrating the unique experiences such establishments can offer to customers, particularly given that this is a novel practice in Turkey. The findings reveal that virtual restaurant applications are highly appreciated and receive significant interest from guests. Despite certain challenges due to the novelty of the concept, it is concluded that with further advancements, virtual restaurants will expand their areas of application and enhance customer satisfaction.</p> <p><br><br></p> İrem ÇAFA, Yeliz PEKERŞEN, Ayşe Büşra MADENCİ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Aybastı’nın Yenilebilir Mantarları ve Mutfakta Kullanım Alanlarının Belirlenmesi (Determinatıon of Edible Mushrooms in Aybastı and Their Culinary Uses) <p>The mushroom diversity of Aybastı creates an important potential for gastronomy tourism by enriching the original dishes of the local cuisine. In this research, it is thought that the examination and promotion of edible mushrooms in Aybastı will contribute to the local economy as well as helping to protect cultural heritage. The aim of this research is to identify and record the edible mushrooms that grow naturally in Aybastı district and to determine their usage in meals. Interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research, and the interviews were recorded by obtaining permission from the participants and this interview lasted approximately 20 to 40 minutes. Data were collected between May 18, 2024 and June 10, 2024. Descriptive and content analysis were used to analyze the data in order to guide future studies and guide researchers. Thanks to this research, 11 mushroom species that are important in terms of gastronomy potential have been identified.</p> Ömer Berke CUROĞLU, Mehmet SARIIŞIK Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Tarsus Kent Merkezinde Yaya Olarak Turistik Kaynaklara Ulaşılabilirlik: Zaman ve Mesafe Optimizasyonu ile Rota Analizi (Pedestrian Accessibility to Tourist Resources in Tarsus City Center: Route Analysis with Time and Distance Optimization) <p>Cities are vibrant hubs for a range of essential activities, including housing, dining, working, cultural interactions, and shopping. They also serve as centers for leisure and recreational pursuits such as sightseeing, entertainment, and relaxation. Urban centers attract significant interest due to their cultural and natural tourist resources, as well as organized events, making them pivotal for tourism activities. Their appeal is further enhanced by convenient transportation networks, a wide array of options catering to tourists' needs (e.g., accommodation, dining, shopping), and generally favorable safety conditions. Tarsus, a district of Mersin, emerges as a notable tourism destination due to its rich natural and cultural heritage, urban development, and strategic location along a major highway. This study aims to design optimized tourism routes by identifying tourist destinations within walking distance from Tarsus’s central district. Duration and distance analyses were conducted for major attractions in the area, with route recommendations developed based on the most popular locations listed on Tripadvisor.</p> Aslı DENİZ ADIGÜZEL, Özlem SERTKAYA DOĞAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yapay Zekânın Gastronomi Turizmi Üzerindeki Etkileri: ChatGPT ile Bir Röportaj (The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Gastronomy Tourism: An Interview with ChatGPT) <p>The aim of this study is to examine the effects of artificial intelligence technologies, especially ChatGPT, on gastronomy tourism. ChatGPT is used as a chatbot developed by OpenAI and can respond to natural language inputs. Through an interview with ChatGPT, the study explores how ChatGPT transforms gastronomy and how it makes gastronomy tourism accessible, personalised and effective. The findings reveal that innovative technologies such as digital platforms, mobile applications, virtual reality and augmented reality provide opportunities for tourists to learn about local cuisines and offer interactive experiences. GPT technology plays an important role in promoting gastronomy tourism to a wider audience by being used in areas such as food recommendations, restaurant guide services and trend analyses. However, challenges such as data accessibility, cultural sensitivity and language barriers require the technology to be applied in a sensitive and compatible manner with local gastronomy. In conclusion, this study aims to provide important information in the field of gastronomy tourism by examining the strategic role of gastronomy in tourism and the contributions of artificial intelligence technologies, especially GPT, to this sector in depth.</p> Sibel ÖZDEMİR Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Airbnblerin Mekânsal Dağılışında Etkili Olan Faktörlerin Mekânsal Analizi: Kaş-Kalkan Örneği (Spatial Analysis of Factors Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Airbnbs: The Case of Kaş-Kalkan) <p>Nowadays, emerging technologies not only transform the way people work and move in urban areas, but also change their perceptions of leisure and tourism. Shared accommodation, which was initially popular in cities, has recently become more common in tourism regions. This study aims to analyze the spatial distribution of secondary residences in Kaş, which have emerged due to the sharing economy and evolved into alternative accommodations for tourism. The study also seeks to identify the factors that influence this distribution. In the context of the research, we analyzed over 18,000 Airbnb listings within the district boundaries of Kaş using statistical and spatial methods. These methods included Kernel Density Analysis, Spatial Autocorrelation (Moran's I), Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA), and Network Analysis.The study findings show that in Kaş, the main factors influencing the distribution of Airbnb properties are their proximity to the sea, access to beaches and coves, accessibility to historical sites, and their proximity to the city centre.</p> Aşır Yüksel KAYA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kahve Tüketim Alışkanlıkları, Sosyal Medya Kullanım Motivasyonları ve Gösterişçi Tüketim Davranışları Arasındaki İlişki <p>This study aims to comprehensively examine the relationships between university students’ coffee consumption habits, social media usage motivations, and social media conspicuous consumption behaviors. The sample of the research consists of 650 students from various departments at universities in different regions of Turkey. The findings from the data analysis reveal the complex and multidimensional relationships between these variables. The results of the study indicate a significant relationship between coffee consumption habits and social media conspicuous consumption. It was particularly found that the conspicuous consumption behaviors on social media differ between students who consume coffee “occasionally” and “always”. This suggests that the frequency of coffee consumption influences the way individuals express themselves on social media. Additionally, preferences between different types of coffee were found to impact social media conspicuous consumption. The differences between those who consume filtered coffee and those who prefer other types of coffee indicate that certain types of coffee may be used as symbols of prestige and status on social media. The relationship between gender and coffee types reveals that gender roles have a determining effect on consumption habits.</p> Ahmet TAYFUN, Ozan ÇATIR Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Destination Image and Revisit Intention Relationship from the Perspective of Diaspora Medical Tourists Receiving Health Services in Samsun: A Cross-Sectional Study <p>The aim of the study is to reveal destination image and its determinants from the perspective of diaspora medical tourists who have received health services in Samsun and the effect of destination image on revisit intention. The population of the cross-sectional study consists of diaspora medical tourists who received health services in Samsun. The study data were collected face-to-face between October 2023 and August 2024. As a result of the study, a total of 402 questionnaire forms were collected. It was determined that 61.94% of diaspora medical tourists were female, 65.42% were married, 38.56% resided in Germany and 55.72% received dental health services. Destination image is positively affected by city knowledge (β=0.310), accessibility (β=0.102), price (β=0.084), safety and security (β=0.013). Revisit intention is affected by destination image (β=0.092). This study is one of the rare studies on diaspora medical tourism in Türkiye. As a result of the study, it was determined that as the destination image of diaspora medical tourists increases, their intention to visit again will increase. Since diaspora medical tourists are voluntary ambassadors, it can be suggested that policy makers and health institutions and organisations should increase their marketing and promotional activities in this field.</p> Yaşar DEMİR Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Osmanlı Mutfak Kültürüne Disiplinlerarası Bir Bakış: Lisansüstü Tezlerin Bibliyometrik Analizi (An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Ottoman Culinary Culture: A Bibliometric Analysis of Graduate Theses) <p>Eating is one of the fundamental necessities for humans. For centuries, billions of people have been consuming food within the context of their own culinary cultures. This study aims to create the bibliometric profiles of graduate theses containing research on the culinary culture of the Ottoman Empire. Theses that include content related to Ottoman culinary culture in at least one section were included in the study. A search was conducted using 28 different keywords in the YÖK National Thesis Center database, resulting in the identification of 71 theses. These theses were examined according to 10 parameters: university, year, institute, subject, method, type, advisor, number of pages, keywords, and the fields in which they were published. Descriptive analyses of the theses obtained from the search were performed using SPSS for Windows 27.0.1 software. According to the findings of the research, the average number of theses between 1998 and 2021 was 2.3, while this number increased by 392% between 2022 and 2024, with an average of 9.0 theses per year. It was observed that the theses were written at a total of 34 different universities, with Istanbul University being the most prominent. These theses were prepared in 7 different institutes, predominantly in social sciences institutes, and covered 24 different subjects, with history being the most common topic. The majority of the completed theses were supervised by faculty members holding the title of Dr. Lecturer. There is no bibliographic study on Ottoman culinary culture in the literature. This research is the first of its kind in the literature, and it is intended to serve as a guide for future studies in this field.</p> İbrahim ARMUTOĞLU, Osman GÜLDEMİR Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Investigating the Importance of Culinary Students’ Career Adaptabilities to the Culinary Profession in the Gastro-Tourism Branding Process of Amasya <p>The purpose of this current study was to determine the connection between the professional emotions and career adaptability of culinary students in a university-based culinary arts program, and it was also emphasized that the career adaptability competencies of culinary students will play an important role in the branding process of Amasya city in the gastro-tourism field. The data were collected from a sample of students pursuing culinary careers. The questionnaires were self-administered by the participants. In the survey context, a total of 124 valid questionnaires were gathered. The data was analyzed using SPSS v.23 in conjunction with Process Macro. The statistical analyses show that there is a positive relationship between culinary profession affection and career adaptability dimensions such as concern, control, and curiosity. Additionally, the analysis demonstrates that the students’ preference moderates this relationship. This study is the first of its kind in related literature, offering novel insights into the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications for professionals in the field.</p> Mustafa DAŞKIN , Kaplan UĞURLU , Engin YAVUZ , Kenan PALA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Ev Hanımlarının Yeme Pratikleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (An Evaluation on The Eating Practices of Housewives) <p>Women are the individuals who both preserve and reshape the cultural practices of eating with the food that they produce in their own home. The aim of this research is to examine how gender differs from other socio-economic factors in shaping the dietary habits of housewives. The study used qualitative research methods and an ethnographic design. Data was collected using the interview technique, which is a qualitative research method. After a total of 13 people had been interviewed, it was determined that the data had reached saturation point and the data collection process was stopped. Content analysis was used to analyse the data obtained. In line with the findings of the research, the eating habits of housewives were grouped into four categories: those who reject innovation, weight control, hedonists and modernists. While all food-related tasks in the household were attributed to women in the innovation rejection group, it was concluded that the food preparation process was expressed as a joint task of men and women in the weight control group. While the modernist group rejects traditionalism and accepts commercialised eating practices, the hedonist group does not limit their consumption of vegetables and meat and orders food from outside 1-3 days a week. In future studies, it will be possible to obtain comparative results by including male participants in the scope of the research.</p> Gizem Sultan KAMAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kırım Tatar Mutfak Kültüründe Unutulmaya Yüz Tutan Özel Gün Yemekleri ve Gelenekler (Special Occasion Dishes and Traditions That Are About to Be Forgotten in Crimean Tatar Culinary Culture) <p>The research article titled “Special Occasion Dishes and Traditions That Are Nearing Forgetfulness in Crimean Tatar Culinary Culture” aims to investigate the dishes, recipes, special and religious occasion dishes and traditions formed around these dishes of the Crimean Tatars living in Yalova Subaşı. For this purpose, 10 people were selected from among the Crimean Tatars living in Yalova Subaşı with the purposeful sampling technique. And a semi-structured interview was conducted with these people. As a result of these interviews, content analysis was conducted with the data obtained from the study. This research aims to identify the Hıdırellez, iftar, sahur, eve, holiday and wedding meals of the Crimean Tatars who settled in Yalova and the traditions shaped around these meals and to record these traditions in order to prevent them from being forgotten. As a result of the interviews, data on the Yalova Crimean Tatar culture's Hıdırellez bread kalakay and kalakay tığırtma tradition, religious meals such as sahur, iftar, and holidays, recipes that have fallen into oblivion, some food visuals, and wedding meals and traditions were obtained and recorded.</p> Gülsüm YURTSEVEN, Gülçin ÖZBAY Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Mesleki Damgalama, Öznel İyi Oluş ve Mesleki Stres Arasındaki İlişki: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Araştırma (The Relationship Between Occupational Stigma, Subjective Well-Being and Occupational Stress: A Case Study on Hotel Employees) <p>The aim of the study is to examine the relationships between occupational stigma, subjective well-being and occupational stress. In this context, the mentioned variables were evaluated on hotel employees. Convenience sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods, was used in the study. The research data were collected face-to-face and online. The survey technique was utilized as a data collection tool and 305 hotel employees were reached. The data obtained within the scope of the research were analyzed in SPSS and AMOS programs. As a result of the analysis, it was found that occupational stigma increases occupational stress. In addition, subjective well-being was found to have a significant and negative effect on occupational stress. On the other hand, it was determined that occupational stigma has no significant effect on subjective well-being. In line with the results obtained, some suggestions are presented.</p> Selda YORDAM DAĞISTAN, Günay EROL, Ebru DÜŞMEZKALENDER Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Rize’deki Konaklama Tesislerine Yapılan Çevrimiçi Yorumların İncelenmesi (Review of Online Comments on Accommodation Facilities in Rize) <p>The aim of this study is to examine the guest comments made to the tourism business certified accommodation facilities in Rize province and to reveal the positive and negative aspects of these businesses according to the data obtained after the examination. In the light of the data obtained, suggestions were made in order to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the accommodation facilities and to strengthen the region compared to other destinations in the competition. The data were taken from TripAdvisor website and analysed in MAXQDA programme. As a result of the analysis, issues such as rooms, breakfast and cleanliness were at the forefront in the positive guest comments made to the tourism business certified accommodation facilities in Rize, while issues such as rooms, cleanliness and personnel stood out in negative comments. Finally, suggestions were made for accommodation facilities related to these comments. In addition to these, the fact that a similar study has not been conducted for Rize province before makes the study important.</p> Melis AYDIN, Can AKTUNA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 A Bibliometric Analysis of the Carbon Footprint Studies in Tourism <p>In recent years, carbon footprint (CF) has been studied as an important research topic. Increasing the number of CF studies is important for reducing the environmental impact of tourism and raising awareness on sustainable tourism. This study examines the number of studies on CF in tourism, investigates the connections between authors, institutions, resources, and countries, and explores the dominant key issues in the studies. “Carbon footprint” and “tourism” keywords were used to identify studies that take place together in all fields. A total of 393 studies published between 2007 and 2024 were identified using the Web of Science Core Collection, and VOSviewer was used to analyze the co-authorship, co-occurrence, citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation networks, and themes. According to the findings, researches on CF in tourism have increased, especially after 2018. The University of Queensland, Bournemouth University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have the highest numbers of papers on CF in tourism. Moreover, according to the countries of affiliation and the most cited authors, Australia was the most dominant country. On the other hand, Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, and Journal of Sustainable Tourism have the highest number of CF studies in tourism.</p> Mustafa Murat KIZANLIKLI Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinin Pazarlanmasında Çocuk Menüleri: Üretici ve Tüketici Açısından Değerlendirilmesi (Children's Menus in The Marketing of Food and Beverage Businesses: Evaluation From The Perspectıve of The Producer and Consumer) <p>This study examined the role of children's menus in marketing strategies in the gastronomy sector and aimed to determine the deficiencies in the practices and strategies of businesses and to create new marketing approaches. The research showed that scientific studies on children's menus in Turkey were very limited, and aimed to collect in-depth information in this area, and the qualitative method was preferred, and the data were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. The collected data were evaluated with content analysis. In the research, it was seen that especially local businesses had various deficiencies in marketing practices and strategies for children's menus, and that these businesses were inadequate in knowledge and practice while serving a significant customer base such as families with children. On the other hand, it was determined that corporate businesses offered more diverse options in children's menus and were more successful than local businesses. It was concluded that children's menus could be used as a tool to support customer satisfaction, profitability and growth of businesses.</p> Burhanettin ZENGİN, Oğuzhan TURAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 İklim Değişikliğinin Ekoturizm Üzerindeki Etkileri ve Kentsel Alanlarda Adaptasyon Yaklaşımları: Türkiye ve Çeşitli Dünya Kentleri Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme <p>Climate change directly and indirectly impacts ecotourism, which relies on natural resources. This study explores the question, "What urban adaptation approaches are implemented to mitigate the impacts of climate change on ecotourism?" The research examines how rising temperatures, floods, forest fires, and ecosystem degradation affect ecotourism destinations and highlights urban adaptation strategies that address these challenges. A literature review methodology is used to analyze existing studies, providing a comprehensive perspective on the relationship between ecotourism and urban adaptation. The study's significance lies in its exploration of global and Turkish examples of adaptation, such as Paris' green space initiatives, Toronto's Green Tourism Map, and Izmir's Bademler Sustainable Living Village. These projects aim to conserve natural resources, reduce environmental impacts, and boost local economies. The findings suggest that urban adaptation strategies are crucial for mitigating climate change's negative effects on ecotourism and promoting sustainability in the sector.</p> A.Menaf TURAN, Berfin GÖKSOY SEVİNÇLİ, Hande SARAÇOĞLU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Öz Güvenin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rol Stresi ve Turizmde Kariyer Yapma İsteğine Etkisi: Turizm Bölümlerinde Okuyan Öğrenciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma <p>The concept of gender roles is closely intertwined with the expectations that society places on individuals. The gender roles of women are markedly distinct from those of men. Such roles have the potential to induce stress in women and influence their decision-making processes. This study examines the impact of self-confidence on women's gender role stress and career advancement in the tourism industry. In this study, a relational survey model was employed. The study population comprises women engaged in the study of tourism. A total of 458 individuals were surveyed as part of this research project. Following the exclusion of 50 irregular and incomplete questionnaires from the data set, the remaining 408 questionnaires were subjected to further analysis. The findings of the study indicate that gender roles does not exert a significant influence on self-confidence and the aspiration to pursue a career in tourism. The results demonstrated that self-confidence was a significant predictor of career aspirations in tourism. Specifically, students with higher self-confidence exhibited a stronger desire to pursue a career in tourism. These findings highlight the importance of enhancing women's self-confidence as a key factor in supporting their participation in the tourism workforce and facilitating their career advancement.</p> Gülseren ÖZALTAŞ SERÇEK, Vahap ALTÜRK, Tuğba ARIK YÜKSEL Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Application of Rule-based Sentiment Analysis and Machine Learning For Sentiment Analysis of Restaurant Reviews in Cappadocia, Türkiye <p>It is crucial to understand customers' sentiments and opinions about restaurants for both restaurant owners and academics in order to increase customer satisfaction and profitability. The aim of this study was to investigate customer sentiments of restaurants in Cappadocia, Türkiye. 38380 customer reviews of 386 restaurants in Cappadocia were obtained from Tripadvisor. Two different methods were used: rule-based sentiment analysis (RBSA) and machine learning (ML). The topics extracted from the reviews by RBSA were food, place, service, price, view, and staff and the percentages of these topics in the reviews were 41.45%, 23.94%, 11.36%, 9.23%, 8.18%, and 5.84%, respectively. For each topic, sentiment analysis was performed with ML to determine the proportion of positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. The highest positive sentiment content was found in food (40.15%), followed by staff (35.07%) and view (33.78%). Price (4.11%) and service (3.90%) were found to have the highest negative sentiment rates. The percentage of positive sentiment in reviews in Western languages was usually higher than in Far Eastern languages. Combining RBSA and ML techniques can enable both grammatical rules and artificial intelligence techniques while producing appropriate results. By understanding these sentiment patterns, restaurant owners can identify areas for improvement, while researchers can gain valuable insights into consumer behavior and sentiment analysis techniques.</p> Yener OĞAN , Yusuf DURMUŞ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Gastronominin Duygusal Bileşenleri Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlama Çalışması (The Turkish Adaptation of the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale) <p>Gastronomy has become one of the most important elements of tourism and has found a place in the top ranks among the travel motivations of tourists. In this context, it is very important to determine the feelings and emotions arising from a tourist's gastronomy experiences. The purpose of this research is to adapt the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale, which has been developed in English, into Turkish and to conduct validity and reliability analyses. In line with this aim, translation and back-translation studies were conducted by English language experts and tourism academicians, followed by a pilot study, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis to finalize the scale. The Turkish adaptation of the scale consists of four items and one dimension. As a result of the analyses, the scale was found to be unproblematic in terms of Cronbach's Alpha value and factor loadings. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, all of the goodness-of-fit values showed perfect fit. The AVE and CR values of the scale were also above the accepted threshold value. In line with these results, it was revealed that the Affective Components of Gastronomy Scale adapted into Turkish is a valid and reliable measurement tool.</p> Grant Altay TAŞKIN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Tüketicilerin Deneyime Açıklık Düzeyi, Gıda Yenilik Korkusu Algısı ve Yiyecek Seçimi Arasındaki İlişkilerin Belirlenmesi: Mersin İli Örneği <p>Each consumer's food preference may differ from each other. There are multiple reasons for this difference, as well as being related to the individual's personality and fears. This study addresses the relationship between consumers' openness to experience personality trait levels, perceptions of fear of innovation in food, and food choices. The research data were obtained from consumers in Mersin province through a survey. Convenience sampling method was used in order to reach consumers in the determined sample. 397 surveys were evaluated within the scope of the study. As a result of the analyzes and tests, it was revealed that as consumers' innovative status, intellectual status and non-traditional status increase, their fear of food innovation decreases. It was also concluded that consumers' fear of food novelty increased as their familiarity and ethical concerns increased. It was also found that food choice increased as consumers' innovativeness and intellectuality increased, but food choice decreased as non-traditionalism increased.</p> Alim GÜRGAH, Meral DURSUN KÜÇÜKOĞLU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Endüstriyel Kenevirin Gastronomik Değeri: Yeni Ürünlerin Geliştirilmesi, Çeşitlendirilmesi ve Tüketici Beğenisinin Ölçülmesi (The Gastronomic Value of Industrial Hemp: Development, Diversification, and Consumer Acceptance of Novel Products) <p>This study aims to develop and diversify gastronomic products that will contribute to socio-economic and cultural development in Zonguldak, where hemp cultivation is permitted, using industrial hemp oil, flour, hemp hearts, and seeds. Additionally, the study aims to reveal the level of appreciation among consumers for these diversified products. Within the scope of the research, 10 types of gastronomic products were developed from industrial hemp for different consumption areas. In order to reveal the appreciation levels of the developed gastronomic products, sensory analyses were carried out by a group of 40 panelists who were trained by applying the experimental analysis method. The sensory data obtained were analyzed in the SPSS 22.0 program and the appreciation level averages and appreciation percentage frequencies of the developed gastronomic products were determined. As a result, the first three gastronomic products that were liked the most by the panelists were; tomato bruschetta with hemp vinaigrette sauce, baked halva with hemp hearts and chocolate with hemp hearts. The results indicate that industrial hemp, with its nutritional properties and diverse applications, has the potential to both meet consumer demands and support rural development.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> İhsan KAZKONDU, Erol KESGİN, Mustafa GÖKYAR, Emine YILMAZ CAN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Giresun’u Ziyaret Eden Yerli Turistlerin Yöresel Lezzetlere Yönelik Duygusal Değer Algısının Tekrar Ziyaret Niyetine Etkisi (The Effect of Emotional Value Perception of Local Tastes on Revisit Intention of Local Tourists Visiting Giresun) <p>The main purpose of this study is to measure the effect of local tourists' emotional value perception of local foods in Giresun province on their intention to revisit. For this purpose, a model was created by examining the relevant literature, and research hypotheses were developed. The research population consists of domestic tourists who visited Giresun Province between January and December 2023. The convenience sampling method was preferred to determine the participants. A survey was used as the data collection technique in the study. A total of 612 surveys were administered, and 500 usable survey forms were analyzed after forms containing missing data were removed. Frequency distribution, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were applied to the obtained data. The study's main question revealed a positive effect of tourists' emotional value perception of local foods on their intention to revisit. Therefore, as local tourists' emotional value perception of regional flavors in Giresun increases, their intention to revisit the area also rises.</p> Emine SAĞLAM, Emin ARSLAN, Hakan KENDİR, Handan ÖZÇELİK BOZKURT Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kültür Turizminin Gelişiminde Kültürel Etkinliklerin Önemi: Yerel Halkın Kültürel Etkinlik Farkındalığı Üzerine Bir Araştırma <p>This research aims to examine the importance of cultural tourism in the sustainable city and community development of Konya and the awareness of local people towards cultural activities. The study was conducted on 495 residents living in Konya, and the level of awareness and participation of local people in cultural events, the reasons for participation and non-participation were measured through questionnaires. The event with the highest awareness and participation was the “Şivlilik and Lantern Procession Enthusiasm.” Key participation drivers included a fun atmosphere, being free of charge, and leisure opportunities, while lack of time was the main barrier. Findings suggest that cultural events strengthen social bonds but also lead to issues like overcrowding and traffic. Billboard advertisements were the most common information source, followed by social media (Instagram, Facebook, X etc.). As a result of the research, recommendations were made to boost local and tourist participation and raise awareness about cultural events.</p> Kevser ÇINAR, Ebru BAL, Saadet ZAFER KAVACIK Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Kapadokya Bölgesinin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Turizm Sektörü (Evaluation of Cappadocia Region in Terms of Sustainable Development: Tourism Sector) <p>The study assesses the tourism sector of the Cappadocia region in the context of sustainable development, moving from traditional growth-oriented paradigms to a holistic sustainability model. The findings show that the region's unique natural and cultural heritage presents both an opportunity and a challenge, requiring strategic action to balance economic growth, environmental protection and social equity. Using a SWOT analysis, the study identifies key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recommendations include implementing renewable energy solutions, promoting alternative tourism, and increasing community participation. The study contributes to the literature and practice by providing actionable insights for stakeholders, supporting Cappadocia's transformation into a resilient and globally competitive sustainable tourism destination.</p> Koray ÇAMLICA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Evsel Gıda İsrafını Azaltmaya Yönelik Motivasyonların ve Engellerin Belirlenmesi (Identifying Motivators and Barriers to Reducing Household Food Waste) <p>Food waste, which occurs at all stages of the food chain, causes many negative environmental, social and economic problems. Household food waste, which is one of the last stages in this chain, is a significant contributor. This study aims to identify the motivations and barriers to reducing household food waste. For this purpose, the interview method, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used and interviews (n=10) were conducted using a semi-structured form. The interviews took place between 17.08.2024-22.08.2024 and each interview lasted approximately 25 minutes. Transcripts of notes taken during the interviews were analysed using qualitative research methods to identify emerging themes. As a result of the data obtained, thematic analysis was carried out and 3 different themes were identified. These themes are concerns about waste, shirking responsibility and alternative solutions. Looking at the motivations for household food waste, it can be seen that the motivations are the desire not to sin, to save money, to share with animals and to evaluate new products; the barriers are the desire to eat fresh products, to buy surplus products, some products cannot be transformed, not every product is suitable for sharing with animals.</p> Rabia BÖLÜKBAŞ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Destination Image of Lake Salda in the Lens of Tourists and Locals <p>Salda, included in the World's Top 100 Geological Heritage List in 2024 and declared as the representative of Mars on Earth, is a remarkable destination thanks to its natural beauty and rare features. The number of visitors seeking to discover this unique destination is increasing day by day, driven by its uniqueness and promotional activities. In this context, it is important to determine the image of this destination. The study aims to determine the destination image of Lake Salda from the perspective of domestic tourists and locals. A qualitative research design was adopted, and interviews were conducted with a total of 30 participants using the purposeful sampling technique. The data was examined through reflexive thematic analysis using the MaxQDA program. It was concluded that Lake Salda has a positive destination image with its natural beauties and safe environmental perception, but the problems experienced in the conservation and promotional processes of the area, the deficiencies in the infrastructure and superstructure in the destination, and the unconscious behaviors of individuals are factors that negatively affect this image. Future studies can examine the sustainability of the destination in more detail, determine strategies for awareness-raising practices, and focus on the current status of alternative accommodation opportunities in the area.</p> Yağmur CAN GABERLİ , Buğcan GÜVENOL , Mehmet Emre GÜLER Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Temalı Kafelerin Atmosferine Yönelik Tripadvisor Yorumlarının İncelenmesi (Examining Tripadvisor Comments Regarding the Atmosphere of Themed Cafes) <p>The aim of this study is to identify the positive and negative comments on the atmospheric dimensions of cafes listed on Tripadvisor, as expressed by domestic and international consumers visiting themed cafes, and to provide recommendations to businesses based on these comments. This study is designed in a netnographic pattern, one of the qualitative research designs. It is significant for business owners who operate or intend to open themed cafes, as it highlights the critical points to consider regarding atmospheric dimensions. The sample of the study consists of themed and concept cafes located in Istanbul and Ankara that have reviews on Tripadvisor. Within the scope of the research, 1,080 reviews made on Tripadvisor for 14 themed cafes operating with themes such as TV shows and films, literature, nostalgia, and nature in Istanbul and Ankara were analyzed. The analyzed reviews were examined using percentage, frequency, and Chi-Square analysis methods. The content of the reviews was matched with atmospheric dimensions based on the keywords used. The study revealed that the atmospheric dimensions directly influenced the ratings given by consumers to cafes. It was observed that the ambiance dimension received the most positive feedback from consumers. Negative comments on themed cafes highlighted issues such as noise, cleanliness and hygiene, location, and menu design, suggesting improvements in these atmospheric dimensions.</p> Emre ÖNEL, Ayşe Nur ÖZER, Erdem TEMELOĞLU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Airfry ve Kızartma Yöntemleri ile Pişirilen Dana Antrikotun Tekstür ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması (Comparison of Texture and Sensory Properties of Beef Entrecôte Cooked with Airfry and Frying Methods) <p>The aim of this study was to compare the textural and sensory properties of beef entrecôte cooked by airfrying, deep-frying and light-fat frying methods. In the research that employed experimental and mixed approaches, the general arithmetic averages of the data were obtained employing the SPSS statistical analysis instrument. As a result of the texture profile analysis conducted in the study, it was figured out that the elasticity and chewiness values of the air-fried beef entrecôte sample were higher compared to the deep-fat and low-fat entrecôte samples. Moreover, it was identified that the external adhesiveness and recovery values were close to each other, and the hardness and gumminess values were higher than the deep-fat-cooked beef entrecôte sample. According to the findings, the entrecôte sample cooked with air fryer exhibited the largest cooking loss, whereas the low-fat entrecôte sample had the lowest cooking loss. Besides, the sensory analysis carried out as part of the study showed that the overall like, texture, taste, smell, and appearance levels range from medium to high levels. Parallel to the findings of the study, recommendations have been submitted to the food and beverage industry, chefs, customers, researchers, and the literature using the research findings.</p> Esna METE, Aybuke CEYHUN SEZGIN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 The Impact of Tourist Lifestyles on Local Food Consumption: A Case Study of Foreign Visitors in Turkey <p>Since the sector of tourism grows in prominence, more individuals are choosing vacations to get away from their regular lives and find pleasure. Local food is a vital part of it, acting as an essential part of tourist incentives. Recognizing the factors that influence tourists' choices for eating local produce is crucial. This research study seeks to answer this question by examining the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on tourists intention eating local foods (TLFCV) using a widely known paradigm in consumer behavior – The Values and Lifestyles model (VALS). The study aims to describe the mental and social constructs that lie behind visitors' interest in and participation in local food encounters, using this approach. In order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire was given to foreign visitors to Istanbul. As travelers prepared to return home from their vacations, information was collected using well-organized surveys distributed at Istanbul Airport's International Departures Station. There were 500 legitimate responses to the surveys which was offered in seven distinct languages and had individuals from ten nations.</p> Özkan SÜZER , Murat DOĞDUBAY Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yiyecek İçecek Sektöründe İşe Alım Sürecinde Karşılaşılan Sorunlar (Problems Encountered in The Recruitment Process in The Food and Beverage Industry) <p>The success of businesses in the service sector depends on the values created by human resources, and in food and beverage businesses where competition is intense, one of the issues that is of vital importance is employees. The human resources department gives more importance to the recruitment and selection processes for the purposes of providing and retaining the skills and abilities required for businesses and for the survival of companies. The purpose of this research is to determine the problems encountered by the human resources department in the recruitment process of employees in the food and beverage sector. In the study, semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data; content analysis and descriptive analysis methods were used in data analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that the applications used for recruitment were generally internet-based applications; businesses did not use any scoring or rating system; the increase in demand for seasonal hotels in the employee finding and recruitment processes, the existence of high salary expectations, uncertainties in the career goals of the candidates, lack of experience, and intense work tempo were among the results that were negatively reflected on the businesses.</p> Rahman TEMİZKAN, Rukiye ERŞAHİN Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Yemek Stilistliği ve Fotoğrafçılık Eğitimi Alan Gastronomi Öğrencilerinin Tabak Sunum Perspektiflerine Yönelik Farkındalığının İncelenmesi <p>The aim of this study is to analyze the direction of the changes in the plate presentations of gastronomy students who have received “Food Styling and Photography” training and to determine their awareness levels regarding these changes. In this context, a qualitative research was conducted with 13 undergraduate students who took the relevant course and the awareness of the participants about the perspectives of plate presentation after the training was determined. According to the research findings, the majority of the participants emphasized the strong relationship of this course with culture, art and aesthetics, stating that the training focused on elements such as culture, art, color harmony, correct technique, tanning details and appropriate light angles in photography. In addition, the participants stated that the training they received was not limited to tanning techniques, but was integrated with food styling and photography. The participants stated that they could carry the knowledge and skills they acquired in this course further by combining them with internship and sectoral experiences. As a result, it was concluded that the food styling and photography course has a significant impact on providing students with different perspectives in gastronomy departments and plays a key role in revealing the aesthetic and artistic aspect of gastronomy education.</p> Vedat KAYIŞ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Türkiye’nin Sağlık Turizmine Yabancı Perspektif: Youtube İçeriklerinde Bir Duygu Analizi ve Stratejik Fırsatlar (Foreign Perspectives on Turkey's Health Tourism: A Sentiment Analysis and Strategic Opportunities in YouTube Content) <p>With the transfer of word-of-mouth communication to digital platforms, social media has become an essential communication tool, featuring unique content producers and audiences. YouTube, one of the world's most widely used video content platforms, offers content on almost every subject, from lectures to politics, and gastronomy to tourism. Additionally, YouTube serves as the second-largest search engine in the world and has managed to attract a large audience with its content. In this study, a sentiment analysis was conducted using the audio transcripts of videos created exclusively by foreign content producers among those with the highest viewership on the subject of "Turkey's Health Tourism." The aim was to understand how this issue is perceived on social media from the perspective of foreigners. In this context, audio transcripts of 25 videos, which collectively have 8,870,000 views, were selected based on keywords related to health tourism, along with 10,976 viewer comments as the data set. The analysis was conducted qualitatively using the Python programming language and NLTK libraries, and the results were reported. According to the research findings, significant deficiencies and opportunities related to Turkey's health tourism were identified through the selected videos, and suggestions were presented in the final section based on these findings.</p> Zafer AYAZ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde (1930-1942) Gıda Güvenliğine Yönelik Mevzuat ve Gıdalarla İlgili Hileler (Food Safety Legislation and Food-Related Frauds in the Early Republic Period (1930-1942)) <p>This study examines the legal regulations regarding food safety in Turkey during the Early Republican Period (1930-1942) and the activities of local governments in this area. Primary sources such as the minutes of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), the Official Gazette, periodicals of the period, copyrighted works and local council decisions were examined. Using the document analysis method, codes were created as bread, meat, milk and other food items, and news in periodicals of the period were evaluated in line with these codes. The findings of the study drew attention to fraudulent practices, especially in food items, and revealed the efforts of both the central government and local governments to ensure food safety during this period. Data on public health policies and practices of local governments more clearly reveal the impact of decisions and regulations regarding food safety. It is considered that the study can provide a historical perspective that will shed light on future studies on today's food safety policies.</p> Songül GÜNEŞ, Barış DEMİRCİ, Ayşe Nevin SERT Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0300