Restoran Atmosferi Oluşturma Sürecinde Yöneticilerin Dikkat Ettikleri Unsurlar: Bursa Örneği (The Elements that Managers Pay Attention to When Creating a Restaurant Atmosphere: A Research in Bursa)
Restaurant, Atmosphere, Manager, BursaAbstract
Food and beverage establishments in the service sector have gained importance. It is no longer sufficient to provide food and beverage services to meet the needs of customers. In addition, food and beverage establishments should pay attention to the atmosphere of the place where they offer their products. The aim of this research is to reveal the elements that restaurant managers pay attention to when creating a restaurant atmosphere. For this purpose, 7 restaurant manager operating in Bursa were asked questions using face to face interview technique. The questions were based on the DINESCAPE scale. As a result of this research, managers create personal aesthetics at the forefront of personal tastes; background music preferences in the ambience elements of the restaurant are usually determined via internet channels; lighting means of the lighting element are preferred and provide a simple illumination that is easy on the eye; in the layout of the table, covers which are suitable for American services and concept are preferred. According to the data obtained from the spatial order element; they often prefer seating arrangements for customer comfort and ease of integration, and finally smiling faces and human and social dialogues are important for the behavior of staff.
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