Temalı Kafelerin Atmosferine Yönelik Tripadvisor Yorumlarının İncelenmesi (Examining Tripadvisor Comments Regarding the Atmosphere of Themed Cafes)
Themed cafe, Atmosphere dimensions, TripadvisorAbstract
The aim of this study is to identify the positive and negative comments on the atmospheric dimensions of cafes listed on Tripadvisor, as expressed by domestic and international consumers visiting themed cafes, and to provide recommendations to businesses based on these comments. This study is designed in a netnographic pattern, one of the qualitative research designs. It is significant for business owners who operate or intend to open themed cafes, as it highlights the critical points to consider regarding atmospheric dimensions. The sample of the study consists of themed and concept cafes located in Istanbul and Ankara that have reviews on Tripadvisor. Within the scope of the research, 1,080 reviews made on Tripadvisor for 14 themed cafes operating with themes such as TV shows and films, literature, nostalgia, and nature in Istanbul and Ankara were analyzed. The analyzed reviews were examined using percentage, frequency, and Chi-Square analysis methods. The content of the reviews was matched with atmospheric dimensions based on the keywords used. The study revealed that the atmospheric dimensions directly influenced the ratings given by consumers to cafes. It was observed that the ambiance dimension received the most positive feedback from consumers. Negative comments on themed cafes highlighted issues such as noise, cleanliness and hygiene, location, and menu design, suggesting improvements in these atmospheric dimensions.
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