A Research on Hygiene and Ergonomics in Kitchens
Kitchen, Hygiene and ErgonomicsAbstract
This can be met effectively with ergonomics. Today's restaurants have a modern and stylish appearance. However, the interaction between hygiene, an indispensable element in industrial kitchens, and ergonomics should provide the same quality in the kitchens. In the literature, it is seen that hygiene is promoted more effectively and easily in workplaces designed under ergonomic conditions. Accordingly, the main purpose of the study can be expressed as the determination of the relationship between ergonomic factors and hygienic conditions in the kitchen of an international five-star hotel in Istanbul. The study was carried out by interview method, a qualitative data collection tool, with 31 chefs working at different hierarchical levels in a five-star international hotel in Istanbul. As a result, the concluded that the promotion of hygiene in ergonomically designed kitchens is more difficult than the kitchens without ergonomic design, the planning of the working areas in a way that will ensure the safety and efficiency of the staff can maximize the efficiency to be obtained from that business, and the ergonomically designed kitchens can increase the productivity of the staff and hygiene of the equipment.
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