Gastronomi Turizminin Geliştirilebilirliğine Yönelik Bir Araştırma: Edremit Körfezi Örneği (A Research Related to Improvableness of Gastronomy Tourism: An Example of Edremit Gulf)
Gastronomy, Gastronomy tourism, Edremit bayAbstract
As the attraction factor of the tourism phenomenon, the historical values of the destinations, the ruins, the sea, the sun, and the beach are made up of material and intangible elements. With the effect of today's globalization phenomenon and technological developments, activities and local cultural elements come to the fore as remarkable attractions. As one of these elements, it can be stated that they are gastronomic items within the context of local cuisine cultures. In this context, the main motivation factor is defined as the gastronomic tourist of individuals who travel to visit food producers, food festivals, restaurants and private areas in order to taste a special type of food or to see the production of a food. In this context, the development of tourism for gastronomic purposes was determined by using existing gastronomic items as a destination with gastronomic potential in Edremit bay
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