Alakart Restoran Menülerinde Balık Yemeği Tercihlerine Yönelik Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma: Mersin Örneği (A Comparative Study on Fish Dish Preferences in A la Carte Restaurant Menus: The Case of Mersin)
Fish consumption, Restaurant fish ordering, MersinAbstract
This study seeks to determine the preference priorities of consumers for fish dishes in the menus of à la carte restaurants. To that end, restaurant customers are asked to sort 9 meal cards consisting of fish, chicken and red meat dishes from the most preferred to the least preferred (from 1 to 9). The data obtained from 218 restaurant consumers between 01/12/2019 and 25/12/2019, then descriptive and difference test analyses performed. The main findings show that the (i) restaurant consumers in Mersin prioritize red meat dishes in their orders; (ii) only Grilled Sea Bass Bowl entered the first five choice among the three fish dishes and (iii) Grilled Salmon and Sole Fish Çökertme are among the dishes least preferred by the consumers. Results of the One Way Anova analysis indicates that Grilled Sea Bass Bowl can qualify as a substitute for various meat and chicken dishes among the consumers. This study concludes that red meat and chicken dishes are predominantly favored in à la carte restaurants serving world cuisine in Mersin, and those consumers who prefer fish tend to prefer familiar fish such as sea bass. In this respect, it is notable that although geographical elements such as being on the coast are important for the cuisine culture, the traditional culinary culture is still the dominant element in consumers' food preferences.
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