3. Dalga Kahvecilik Konseptinin Kendine Özgü Gastronomik Vaatleri: Kalite, Sosyal Etkileşim ve Sürdürülebilirlik (Distinctive Gastronomic Promises of Third Wave of Coffee Concept: Quality, Social Interaction and Sustainability)


  • Ozan GÜLER
  • Simge AKYEL
  • Gamze Deniz ÇAĞLAYAN
  • Alihan KICIMAN




Coffee waves, 3. Wave of coffee, Coffee quality, Social interaction, Gastronomic sustainability


For coffee, which has experienced changes over time according to economic and social developments, these changes are classified as waves or generations in the literature. Each coffee wave promised its consumers different qualities specific to the period. While its quick preparation was the main motivation in the early 1900s, coffee consumption has become a cultural phenomenon today. The most current application of this cultural phenomenon is the 3rd wave coffee concept. This research aims to provide readers with a different perspective on the unique gastronomic features of the 3rd wave coffee culture that distinguish it from other coffee waves. In the research carried out with the document scanning method, the distinctive elements reflected by the 3rd wave coffee to the field of gastronomy are discussed within the scope of superior quality, social interaction and gastronomic sustainability. As a result, it is seen that the 3rd wave coffee concept reflects the pursuit of superior taste, artistic pleasure and social unification and social responsibility, which are the most basic elements in the definition of gastronomy.


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How to Cite

GÜLER, O., AKYEL, S., NAKİLCİOĞLU, S., ÇAĞLAYAN, G. D., & KICIMAN, A. (2023). 3. Dalga Kahvecilik Konseptinin Kendine Özgü Gastronomik Vaatleri: Kalite, Sosyal Etkileşim ve Sürdürülebilirlik (Distinctive Gastronomic Promises of Third Wave of Coffee Concept: Quality, Social Interaction and Sustainability). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(3), 2337–2352. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.663

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