Gastronomi Çalışmalarının Türkiye’deki Bilimsel Evi Neresi? Kahve Üzerine Gerçekleştirilen Araştırmalardan Hareketle Disipliner Yapıya Yönelik Bir İnceleme (Where is the Scientific Home of Gastronomy Studiesin Turkey? A Study on the Disciplinary StructureBased on Research on Coffee)
Gastronomy, Discipline, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, Coffee researchAbstract
The aim of this research is to investigate the disciplinary structure of the gastronomy field, based on the Turkish articles and theses in the domestic literature that focus on coffee. For this purpose, theses and articles on coffee were scanned according to systematic review criteria and examined according to research questions. In this context, the titles and abstracts of articles and theses filtered using the keyword "coffee" on 18.01.2023 were examined, and 87 articles and 226 theses were included in the research. When the publications on coffee are examined in terms of disciplinary differences, it is seen that the multidisciplinary field is very dominant in terms of both graduate theses and articles. It is seen that interdisciplinary researches such as marketing, tourism management and business are intense after multidisciplinary researches. When coffee-themed articles and theses prepared under the gastronomy department are examined, it has been noticed that consumer attitudes and behaviors are the most focused subject. From this point of view, it is seen that gastronomy is fed from the field of marketing in terms of explaining itself. As a result, it can be said that the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic interest in coffee reflects the diversity in the main structure of gastronomy research very well. Based on this result, it can be argued that in order for gastronomy to be a social science discipline on its own, qualified and original researches that determine the boundaries of the gastronomy field should be carried out.
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