Causes of Household Food Waste and Motivations to Reduce Food Waste: Sample of Mersin Province


  • Neslihan ŞİMŞEK
  • Kurban ÜNLÜÖNEN



Types of household food waste, Causes of household food waste, Food waste prevention, Motivations to reduce food waste, Sustainability


Food sustainability and food security are critical issues that need to be addressed for the continuation of life. It is necessary to focus on food waste to ensure food sustainability and food security, which means access to food. This study, which aims to reveal causes of food waste and motivations to reduce food waste, is performed between September 30, 2019 and September 30 2020 with 50 housewives who live in Mersin, Turkey, selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. The data collected through a semi structured interview form were assessed through descriptive analysis. It finds out that (1) bread, (2) pasta and rice, along with (3) greens, are the most wasted foods. The causes of food waste are reported as (1) children and grandchildren in the household, (2) cooking more than required, (3) deterioration of the sensory properties of food. The motivations of the participants in this study to reduce food waste include (1) budget, (2) religion (sin) and (3) human responsibility. This study also emphasizes the importance of having about food waste and recycling, information about edible parts of food, access to food, mechanisms of social control, being a good role model for children in food waste.


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How to Cite

ŞİMŞEK, N., & ÜNLÜÖNEN, K. (2023). Causes of Household Food Waste and Motivations to Reduce Food Waste: Sample of Mersin Province. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(4), 2384–2397.

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