Paylaşım Ekonomisinin Turizm Sektörüne Etkileri: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Effects of Sharing Economy on Tourism Sector: A Study on Kırıkkale University Students)
Sharing economy, Tourism sector, Shareable tourism, Accommodation sharing, Car sharingAbstract
The sharing economy emerged in the 2000s as a result of technological, economic and social factors. Technological advances have caused people to share with each other and with new methods, especially with innovations on web and internet. The sharing economy is a network economy. Large-scale sharing online platforms have came out. Online platforms are member-oriented and are for-profitable and non-profitable platforms where information is shared. Sharing economy is a new socio-economic concept and contributions of sharing economy to tourists in tourism sector are provided by online platforms such as accommodation sharing, car sharing, travel friendship sharing, recreation sharing and public transportation sharing. This study aimed to reveal effect of sharing economy on tourism sector. A questionnaire technique was applied to 380 undergraduate and associate degree students studying at Kırıkkale University. The data obtained were analyzed with help of statistical package program. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine impact of sharing economy on tourism sector.
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