Veri Madenciliği ve Turizmde Veri Madenciliği Çalışmaları (Data Mining and Data Mining Studies in Tourism)
Information and communication technologies, Big data, Data mining, Artificial intelligence, Machine learningAbstract
With the power of the internet, digital technology is increasingly changing the perception of data creation, storage, and analysis. A large volume of data is generated at an incredible speed and variety in several different media, and at the same speed, technological solutions are created that enable data storage and advanced analysis techniques. The concept of data mining, which emerge due to the advancement of information and communication technologies and its development in the tourism field is examined. Thus, data mining and other related concepts are explained, and studies conducted using data mining techniques between 1999 and 2020 examined. Accordingly, while solutions were proposed for various tourism dynamics, including tourism marketing, demanding or image management in data mining studies, it was concluded that they were not at a high extent and that the progress of the conceptualization in the field remained insufficient. This research, therefore, is one of the leading studies that attempt to meet the needs in terms of drawing a general framework about the concept of data mining and including the current developments in tourism literature.
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