Türkiye’ye Gelen Yabancı Turistlerin Yerel Yiyecekleri Tüketme Niyeti Üzerine Planlı Davranış Teorisi Kapsamında Bir Araştırma** (Within the Scope of Planned Behavior Theory A Research on the Consumption Intention of Local Foods of Foreign Tourists Coming to Turkey)


  • Kurban ÜNLÜÖNEN
  • Alper IŞIN




Theory of planned behavior, Local food, Behavioral ıntention


During their travel, eating and drinking activities of tourists are no longer a tool and has become a goal. When choosing a travel destination, the food of the country or region to be traveled is seen as a significant attraction. The aim of this study is to determine the foreign tourists visiting Turkey behavioral intentions toward local food consumption. For this purpose, the survey was conducted to foreign tourists who visited Turkey three different destinations and experience local food. Planned Behavior Theory (PDT), one of the most preferred theories in the field of social psychology, was used to determine the behavioral intentions of tourists for local food consumption. In the scope of the research, 644 questionnaires which collected from 47 different nationalities in three determined destinations were taken in evaluation. When the findings are examined, it was determined that the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral behaviors of the tourists affected behavioral intentions.


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How to Cite

ÜNLÜÖNEN, K., & IŞIN, A. (2023). Türkiye’ye Gelen Yabancı Turistlerin Yerel Yiyecekleri Tüketme Niyeti Üzerine Planlı Davranış Teorisi Kapsamında Bir Araştırma** (Within the Scope of Planned Behavior Theory A Research on the Consumption Intention of Local Foods of Foreign Tourists Coming to Turkey). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 662–689. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2018.329

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