COVID-19 Sürecinde Ev Dışı Gıda Tüketiminin Değişimi (Change in Consumption of Food Away from Home During the Covid-19)
COVID-19, Food Away from Home (FAFH), Pandemic, Food Consumption, TürkiyeAbstract
With the economic development, changing consumer demands and needs in many countries have also changed the food consumption patterns outside the home. Knowing the reasons why consumers consume food outside the home is important for the segmentation of the market, the self-positioning of the businesses, and therefore for maintaining their existence. In the dynamic market, it is even more important to determine the behavior of consumers, especially in extraordinary situations. The COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the whole world in 2020, has led to radical changes in all industries, and the service sector has evolved into a new path. This study focused on the change in out-of-home food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in Türkiye. The aim of the study is to reveal changes at the consumer level and to determine the effect of COVID-19 on out-of-home food consumption. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted with 800 people selected by simple random method in the provinces of Edirne, Iğdır, Sinop, Muş Adana, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, and Kayseri. Compared to pre-COVID-19, there has been a decrease of approximately 8 points in food consumption outside the home. While consumers continue to consume food out of the home (FAFH) mostly for social and psychological, savings and hedonic reasons, they do not consume primarily for health and nutritional reasons.
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