Antik Zeugma Kenti Seramik Kap Örnekleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Roma Yemeği ve Duyusal Analizleri (Roman Food and Sensory Analysis Using The Ancient Cıty of Zeugma Ceramic Vessel Samples)


  • Servet Kazım GÜNEY
  • Nurten BEYTER
  • İlkay YILMAZ



Ancient Rome, Zeugma, Sensory Analysis, Food Culture, Gastroarchaeology


Nutrition is the most basic need of human beings and it is often a matter of curiosity how humanity was fed in ancient times. Information about the ancient Roman food culture is obtained from ceramic pots, other cooking pots, food residues, mosaics, reliefs, charred food residues in the pots and written sources. Animal bones and seeds obtained from the finds also provide information about the ancient nutrition culture. Considering the founding feature of the ancient period, studies of this period are important in terms of the continuity and awareness of the food culture. This study based on this theme; The ancient city of Zeugma Roman Period cookware samples were reconstructed by Başkent University Ceramic Art and Application Center in a similar way to the original. The aim of this study is to produce Ancient dishes in accordance with the recipes of Apicius and Cato from Ancient Roman sources, serve in antique containers and subject to sensory analysis by experienced panelists and consumers. In the analysis, appearance, smell, texture, taste and general taste were evaluated under sub-headings. As a result of the analyzes, it was seen that the educated panelists gave lactuca patina, vitellina fricta and libum scores above the average with the values of 7.88±0.74, 7.75±0.62, 7.57±0.68, respectively, in terms of general appreciation according to a 9-point scale. In the consumer taste test, general taste was found to be high with the values of 4.66±0.52, 4.62±0.68, 4.09±1.15 on a 5-point scale.


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How to Cite

ALBUSTANLIOĞLU , T. . ., GÜNEY , S. . K. . ., BEYTER , N., & YILMAZ , İlkay . (2023). Antik Zeugma Kenti Seramik Kap Örnekleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Roma Yemeği ve Duyusal Analizleri (Roman Food and Sensory Analysis Using The Ancient Cıty of Zeugma Ceramic Vessel Samples). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 794–816.

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