Öğrencilerin Ekonomi Okuryazarlık Düzeyinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Study on Determination of the Level of Student Economic Literacy)
Faculty of Tourism, Student, Economics education, Economic literacyAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to determine the economic literacy levels of the students. However, it is aimed to examine the relationship between students’ demographic characteristics and economic literacy levels. The population of the study is composed of the students who take the “General Economics” course in Faculty of Tourism Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University in 2018-2019 academic year. Questionnaire technique was used for data collection. In order to determine the economic literacy levels of the students of the Faculty of Tourism, “Economics Literacy Scale” which was developed by Gerek and Kurt (2011) and used in different studies in the literature (Şantaş and Demirgil, 2015; Mercan et al., 2012) was used. A total of 361 usable questionnaires were analyzed. The research hypotheses were tested by using statistical package program. Differences tests such as t test in binary groups and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for more than two independent groups were used. The results show that there is a difference between gender and students’ economic literacy levels at the beginning of the semester, and there is no difference between students’ department, secondary education institution and their families’ residence and economic literacy levels at the beginning or end of the semester.
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