Destinasyon Yiyecek İmajının Tutum ve Tekrar Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi (The Effect of Destination Food Image on Attitude and Repurchase Intention)
Destination food image, Attitude, Repurchase intention, GaziantepAbstract
Purpose of the study was to determine effect of destination food image on attitude and repurchase intention. For this purpose, data were collected from individuals dining in restaurants with Tourism Management Certificate in Gaziantep in December 2018 by using convenience sampling method. Analyses were performed on 580 data obtained. According to the results of the analysis, it is seen that individuals have high perception of food image about Gaziantep. It is concluded that there is a high level of positive relationship between destination food image, attitude and repurchase intention. Destination food image has a significant effect on attitude and repurchase intention. At the same time, it was determined that attitude has an effect on repurchase intention.
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