A Research on Feedback of Visitors in Travel Expo Tourism Fair


  • Ahmet TAYFUN
  • Esin AYSEN
  • Ayşe Selin DÜLGER
  • Başak ÖZYURT
  • İsmail BOZKURT
  • Yasin BULUT


Tourism, Event tourism, Fairs, Ankara, EXPO


Fair events are organizations that make a difference in the promotion and marketing activities of the destinations as well as providing income mobility by creating vitality in terms of tourism. Ankara, which has been pursuing alternative routes for tourism and increasing the number of tourists, has gained momentum in congress tourism throughout Turkey and has started to host the TravelExpo Ankara Fair by 2016 and 2017. Thus, in the fair tourism, it will be possible to increase the awareness of the city with the interest of the participants both from domestic and abroad and to get more shares from the tourism sector. It is aimed to learn the thoughts of participants about TravelExpo 2017. Participation of participant feedback to this particularly important Tourism Fair, which is still new, will be important in the future to ensure that this organization is widely publicized by organizing in a more professional manner and that their participation is ensured.


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How to Cite

TAYFUN, A., AYSEN, E., DÜLGER, A. S., ÖZYURT, B., BOZKURT, İsmail, & BULUT, Y. (2023). A Research on Feedback of Visitors in Travel Expo Tourism Fair. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(3), 472–485. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/492

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