Evaluation of Products in Menus in Terms of Nutritional Facts: Eskişehir Sample
Menu, Recipe, Nutritional facts, Restaurants, EskişehirAbstract
The menus are essential elements for food and beverage businesses to carry out their activities. Nowadays, knowing the nutritional facts of the products in the menus can play a significant role for customers in terms of health. The aim of this research is to examine the nutritional facts of the products in the menus of the food and beverage enterprises operating in Eskisehir, Turkey and evaluate them in terms of nutritional facts. Within the scope of this research, eight products, including two starters, one salad, three main courses and two desserts in the menus of total 19 restaurants in Eskisehir, were determined. The nutritional fact calculations are based on an approximate serving of single portion. In order to contribute to other disciplines, 21 items were calculated by a computer program (BeBiS). The nutritional facts of the products are evaluated in terms of human health and nutritional values. The findings of the study suggest that the products in the menus of the food and beverage businesses are found adequate in terms of daily energy and nutrient intake. However, not all businesses include nutritional facts on their menus. When the general evaluation is made, it is determined that the carbohydrate content is high.
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