Gastronomide Kültürel Miras Bakış Açısıyla Kırklareli Hardaliyesi’nin Geleneksel Üretiminin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Traditional Production of Kırklareli Hardaliye from the Viewpoint of Cultural Heritage in Gastronomy)
Hardaliye, Kırklareli hardaliye, Cultural heritage in gastronomy, Gastronomy, Traditional productionAbstract
The aim of the study is to evaluate the traditional production of Kırklareli Hardaliye, which has a geographical indication, from a cultural heritage perspective in gastronomy. In this direction, data were obtained from qualitative research methods using Hardaliye producers in Kızılcıkdere village of Kırklareli Center. The data obtained from the data obtained are determined and given in the findings section. As a result of the research, the production methods of the producers of Hardaliye in Kizilcikere village of Kirklareli province are similar to the method of geographical production but they have some differences. Another result of the study is that two original words called an tossing üretim and ün batak de in the region are used in a number of methods applied to the production of Hardaliye.
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