Gastronomi Başlığı Altında Yayımlanmış Doktora Tezlerinin Bibliyometrik Analizi (The Bibliometric Analysis of Doctoral Theses Published Under the Title of Gastronomy)
Gastronomy, PhD, Bibliometry, Thesis reviewAbstract
In this study, the aim is to analyze doctoral theses published under the title of gastronomy between the years 2014-2023 using bibliometric analysis techniques based on determined parameters. By searching for the keyword "Gastronomy" and thesis types "Doctorate" among the published theses in the Higher Education Council Thesis database, a total of 70 doctoral theses were found. However, it was observed that one of the theses had restricted access. As of November 10, 2023, 69 doctoral theses were accessible. The retrieved theses were examined based on the publication year, university of publication, relevant department, academic title of the advisor, institute of publication, the subject of the thesis, and the number of pages of the thesis, in addition to the data collection method and keywords used, as indicated in the bibliographic records of the Higher Education Council Thesis database.The data obtained from the examination were subjected to frequency and percentage analyses using the Microsoft Excel program. The analyses revealed that the highest number of doctoral theses published under the title of gastronomy were prepared at Gazi University (8), and the most commonly used research method was surveys (42). Furthermore, it was determined that the number of doctoral theses increased by 5.3 times between 2021 and 2023, and among the findings, it was noted that 40 doctoral theses were supervised by advisors holding the title of Professor Doctor.
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