A Qualitative Research on the Self-Efficacy of the Students of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts of Anadolu University


  • Erhan BABAÇ
  • Sibel ÖNÇEL


Gastronomy, Gastronomy department, Self-efficacy, Students, Qualitative


Gastronomy has become very important with the development of awareness in the sector. In addition to the dynamics of the industry, the increase in the quality of the employees is inevitable. It is a big step in the training of graduate students in improving and developing the qualifications of the employees in gastronomy field. The sectoral viewpoint and consciousness that gastronomy educators have may differ in many ways. The purpose of this study is to measure students' self-efficacy beliefs in the field of gastronomy and culinary arts and the motivation they have in relation to the necessary competence after graduation. For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out with 10 students studying in gastronomy and culinary arts and their opinions about their self-efficacy were determined. Participants who participated in the study were found to have responded that they were unstable or inadequate about their areas. The majority of participants emphasized that this area is related to culture and arts and is a multi-disciplinary area. Participants also noted that the training they received was inadequate, especially in the area of application. Participants stated that the majority of the theoretical courses in the general sense were unnecessary and they gained experience in the internships.


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How to Cite

BABAÇ, E., & ÖNÇEL, S. (2023). A Qualitative Research on the Self-Efficacy of the Students of the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts of Anadolu University. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(2), 282–298. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/398

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