Zaman Kavramına Bir Bakış: Boş Olan Zaman Mıdır Yoksa İnsan Mı? (A Research on the Concept of Time)


  • Ayşe ŞAHİN



Spare time, Free time, Tourism, Recreation


Time has been studied by both Eastern and Western philosophers almost since the day when mankind tried to understand the universe and himself. At the same time, studies have been carried out in many fields on the phenomenon of time. In this context, many discussions have been made on the concept of time from past to present; many phrases and terms related to time have been produced. In this study, the unit of time, which is important in terms of disciplines such as tourism and recreation as well as its widespread social use, and which is expressed as 'boş zaman' in Turkish, is discussed. Within the scope of the research, the use of the term 'boş zaman' in both social and academic literature was examined. When the related literature is examined, it is thought that time cannot be described as empty and there is a misuse. Finally, a model proposal regarding the classification of time is presented within the scope of the study.


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How to Cite

KILIÇLAR, A., & ŞAHİN, A. (2023). Zaman Kavramına Bir Bakış: Boş Olan Zaman Mıdır Yoksa İnsan Mı? (A Research on the Concept of Time). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(3), 2263–2276.

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