Molecular Probiotic Ice Cream
Molecular gastronomy, Kefir ice cream, Sensory evaluation, Liquid nitrogenAbstract
Molecular gastronomy applications are described as an innovative approach that is being implemented in many three Michelin star restaurants around the world. In the research, it is aimed to present a healthy product by using an interesting method with molecular kitchen technique.. İn addition to aim of acquiring the molecular presentation technique in the Turkish cuisine, another aim is transforming kefir, a valuable health product, into an ice cream that attracts children and thus increases consumption by both children and adults. In the scope of the study, probiotic ice cream is produced using kefir. The prepared mixture is freeze-thawed using liquid nitrogene and bacht freezer. Three trials have been done in two stages. The produced ice cream is evaluated by sensory analysis technique by a group of educated panelists. The ice cream is evaluated by the panelists in terms of appearance, smell, texture and taste, and the overall level of appreciation is also determined. Molecular probiotic ice cream is characterized as the most successful product with a creamy and homogenous structure in the criteria of tissue, but the taste and flavor of kefir is felt very intensely. The ice cream obtained by the conventional method has a general appreciation level of 74,6%, while the ice cream produced by the molecular method is more popular with 89,3% liking rate. According to the results of the consumer appreciation test, the gender of the participants and the education section did not affect the level of appreciation, while the age and class factor affected the liking.
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