A Gastronomic Stop on the Lycian Road, Kınık
Gastronomy, Kınık, Cuisine culture, Lycian roadAbstract
Since the early ages of Anatolia, many civilizations, mainly Hittites, Phrygia, Lycia, Lydia, Ion, Roman-Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottomans, have been hosted. The Turkish cuisine has been fed from the kitchens of these civilizations and has become its present state. The Teke peninsula extending from Antalya to the Gulf of Fethiye to the Mediterranean is the Lycia region with the world's oldest and only one road map. Xanthos, one of the cities of the Lycian Union connected by the Lycian road, is the largest religious and administrative center of the Lycian region. The ancient city of Xanthos is within the boundaries of the Kınık town. The origin of indigenous people living in Kınık, which constitute the research area, is based on Kınık tribes and, Kayı, Avşar, Bayındır, Salurlar and Kınık tribes have an important place in the conquest of Anatolia. The aim of this study was to determine and record the dishes of the region, to see the possible effects of local dishes on the gastronomic tourism mobility and to determine the commercial uses of these dishes. For this purpose, inventory of restaurant businesses and menus in the region have been prepared. Within the scope of the study, data will be collected throught a qualitative research by interviewing the local residents and restaurant operators living in Kınık.
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Business owners interviewed within the scope of the research
Açıkgöz, Serap, A Restaurant işletmecisi, 28.08.2017 date
Bey, Kadir, E Döner owner, 28.08.2017 date
Çambel, Tahir, C Restaurantowner, 28.08.2017 date
Kalkanlı, Hayriye, G Tavuk Evi owner, 28.08.2017 date
Kaya, Ayfer, B Restaurant owner, 28.08.2017 date
Kılınç, Ali, D Restaurantowner, 28.08.2017 date
Sarıkaya, Sefa, F Döner owner, 28.08.2017 date
Yılmaz, Ümit, H Çiğköfte owner, 28.08.2017 date
Housewives interviewed within the scope of the research
Başkak, Hatice, Hausewife, 29.08.2017 date
Konu, Münevver, Hausewife, (She is making wedding meals in the region), 29.08.2017 date
Konu, Neslihan, Hausewife, 29.08.2017 date
Kulaksız, Ayşe, Hausewife, 29.08.2017 date
Kulaksız, Zeliha, Hausewife, 29.08.2017 date
Öğmen, Hatice, Hausewife, 29.08.2017 date. Face-to-face interview. In addition, talks were held with local business ladies on local dishes.
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