Airfry ve Kızartma Yöntemleri ile Pişirilen Dana Antrikotun Tekstür ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması (Comparison of Texture and Sensory Properties of Beef Entrecôte Cooked with Airfry and Frying Methods)
Air-frying, Deep- fat frying, Shallow- fat frying, Texture analysis, Sensory analysisAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the textural and sensory properties of beef entrecôte cooked by airfrying, deep-frying and light-fat frying methods. In the research that employed experimental and mixed approaches, the general arithmetic averages of the data were obtained employing the SPSS statistical analysis instrument. As a result of the texture profile analysis conducted in the study, it was figured out that the elasticity and chewiness values of the air-fried beef entrecôte sample were higher compared to the deep-fat and low-fat entrecôte samples. Moreover, it was identified that the external adhesiveness and recovery values were close to each other, and the hardness and gumminess values were higher than the deep-fat-cooked beef entrecôte sample. According to the findings, the entrecôte sample cooked with air fryer exhibited the largest cooking loss, whereas the low-fat entrecôte sample had the lowest cooking loss. Besides, the sensory analysis carried out as part of the study showed that the overall like, texture, taste, smell, and appearance levels range from medium to high levels. Parallel to the findings of the study, recommendations have been submitted to the food and beverage industry, chefs, customers, researchers, and the literature using the research findings.
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