Otel İşletmelerinde Yeşil Mutfak Kalitesinin (Y-Mutkal) Ölçülmesi: Nevşehir İlinde Bir Araştırma (Measuring Green Kitchen Quality (Y-Mutkal) In Hotel Businesses: A Research In Nevşehir)


  • Aziz Gökhan ÖZKOÇ
  • Emin ARSLAN
  • Hakan KENDİR
  • Taner ERDOĞAN




Kitchen, Quality, Sustainability, Green kitchen, G-Kitchqual


The objective of the study was to measure the quality of green kitchens of 3, 4, 5 stars hotel establishments and special accommodation establisments in Nevşehir. Through this study the aim is to determine the extent to which the practices constituting green kitchen qualities are countered by enterprises, the level of customer expectations on this subject and the level of satisfaction of customer expectations by the enterprises. A field study was carried out within the scope of the study to collect data with the help of a questionnaire in order to empirically analyze the propositions about the measurement of green kitchen quality in the kitchen departments of hotel establishments detailed in the theoretical part of the study. 39 hotel enterprise managers and 414 customers were selected to comprise the study sample. The hotel enterprise managers were interviewed by a questionnaire with face-to-face interview techniques, leaving and collecting the questionnaire later and by e-mail. The data obtained from the study were analyzed on the computer by using appropriate statistical techniques. As a result of the analyses, it was revealed that the highest value dimension was ‘Sustainable Food’ and the least average dimension was achieved by ‘Sustainable Structure’. When the customer expectations were analyzed, it was discovered that the highest expectation was for the ‘Energy Efficiency’ dimension and the lowest expectations were for the ‘Disposables’ dimension. When the rate of fulfilling customer expectations of the kitchens connected to hotel establishments in Nevşehir province is considered, it is determined that the average of all dimensions is high and the ratio of fulfilling customer expectations by the enterprises is also high.


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How to Cite

ÖZKOÇ, A. G., ARSLAN, E., KENDİR, H., & ERDOĞAN, T. (2023). Otel İşletmelerinde Yeşil Mutfak Kalitesinin (Y-Mutkal) Ölçülmesi: Nevşehir İlinde Bir Araştırma (Measuring Green Kitchen Quality (Y-Mutkal) In Hotel Businesses: A Research In Nevşehir). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 2294–2309. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2019.472

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