Giresun’u Ziyaret Eden Yerli Turistlerin Yöresel Lezzetlere Yönelik Duygusal Değer Algısının Tekrar Ziyaret Niyetine Etkisi (The Effect of Emotional Value Perception of Local Tastes on Revisit Intention of Local Tourists Visiting Giresun)
Gastronomy tourism, Local food, Perception of emotional value, Revisit intention, GiresunAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to measure the effect of local tourists' emotional value perception of local foods in Giresun province on their intention to revisit. For this purpose, a model was created by examining the relevant literature, and research hypotheses were developed. The research population consists of domestic tourists who visited Giresun Province between January and December 2023. The convenience sampling method was preferred to determine the participants. A survey was used as the data collection technique in the study. A total of 612 surveys were administered, and 500 usable survey forms were analyzed after forms containing missing data were removed. Frequency distribution, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were applied to the obtained data. The study's main question revealed a positive effect of tourists' emotional value perception of local foods on their intention to revisit. Therefore, as local tourists' emotional value perception of regional flavors in Giresun increases, their intention to revisit the area also rises.
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