The Effect of Demographic Factors on Determination of Gaziantep as a Gastronomy City
Tourism, Gastronomy, Cultural heritageAbstract
The study was conducted in order to determine the difference between the demographic characteristics of the students who were educated in gastronomy and catering services and the factors determining Gaziantep as a gastronomy city. In addition, it is another aim to reveal the factors that determine Gaziantep as a gastronomy city in the eyes of students. For these purposes, data were obtained by applying questionnaires to 175 students using the easy sampling method. The obtained data were subjected to various statistical analysis and the research was concluded. According to this, it was determined that there is a difference between education level and factors determining Gaziantep as gastronomy city. But it was determined that there was no difference between gender and factors determining Gaziantep as a gastronomy city. In addition, it was determined that the average of 56 judges formed by the researcher is over 3,5. In this direction, it was determined that the participants had a positive attitude towards this judgment. From this point of view, in the determination of Gaziantep as a gastronomy city, it was determined that the different types of pistachio, pulses, rice, kebab and cauldron produced were effective in food safety and hygiene in the food and beverages offered. The fact that the city is on the spice road, that different spices are included in the kitchen, and that food is known in the national and international arena is an effective factor in determining Gaziantep as a gastronomy city.
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