Yerel Mutfak Kültürünün Sürdürülebilirliği Kapsamında Van Gastronomi Rotası Önerisi (Within the Scope of the Sustainability of Local Culinary Culture Van Gastronomy Route Proposal)
Gastronomy, Gastronomy routes, Van culinary culture, Local tastes, SustainabilityAbstract
Today, the increasing tourist demand for local culinary cultures and the authenticity of gastronomic tourism experiences make possible to evaluate culinary cultures as touristic products. However, since the concerns about the fact that the knowledge of local culinary cultures is moving away from their ethnic characteristics with globalization, it is of great importance to evaluate the values of Van culinary culture within the scope of cultural heritage. With this study, it is aimed to make the city of Van an attraction center within the scope of gastronomy tourism, which is one of the most popular tourism types today, to be a gastronomy guide for local and foreign tourists who will visit Van, at the same time to contribute to the sustainability of local tastes and to the protection, registration and promotion of values. Within the scope of this study, the products that have been included in the Van cuisine culture from past to present were determined and presented by using the document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative analysis methods. In this context, the names and contents of various local cuisine products from the Van Herby cheese to the Kavut, from the Işkın (Rheum Ribes) to the noodles, from the Keledoş to the liver meatballs, from the Van fish to the Van cake emphasize that a gastronomic route should be created for the province of Van, which has a rich culinary culture. In addition, the local dishes and products detailed in the article strengthen this feeling and excitement even more. In this context, the gastronomy route of the city of Van has been proposed in line with the findings of the study.
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