Kırsal Turizm Literatüründe Gastronomi ve Yerel Gıda Çalışmalarına İlişkin Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz (A Bibliometric Analysis of Gastronomy and Local Food Studies in Rural Tourism Literature)
Gastronomy, Rural tourism, Local food, Bibliometric analysisAbstract
This research examined studies in the rural tourism literature focusing on gastronomy and local food. The research universe consists of rural tourism-related studies published in the WoS database. In the sample, purposeful sampling method, which is one of the sampling techniques that is not based on probability and is one of the quantitative research sampling techniques, was used. The data obtained in the research was limited to the labels “rural tourism-gastronomy”, and “rural tourism-local food”. In this context, 89 studies were examined using the bibliometric analysis technique. The parameters used in the bibliometric analysis were the publication years, the countries and institutions where the publications were made, the author, journal and citation information, publication types, fields of study and the visual mapping of the keywords created with the VOSviewer software. The studies that were the subject of the research were limited a second time in terms of publication language and type and were examined methodologically.
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