Köftür (Cappadocian Jelly Beans) as a Sustainable Regional Delicacy
Sustainability, Gastronomy, Sustainability gastronomy, Cappadocia, KöftürAbstract
Culinary culture is part of the touristic experience, as well as one of the mainstays of gastronomic tourism. Therefore, elements of culinary culture should be protected in order to ensure its continuation. As a dessert, Köftür is among the leading gastronomic products to come out of the Cappadocian region throughout the history. Thus, Köftür is considered as an important element in the domain of sustainable gastronomy culture. The present study was conducted through the qualitative research method. The study serves as a documentary analysis wherein the preparation of Köftür as a rural delicacy is monitored and the relevant preparation stages are investigated. The study concludes that since the rural preparation procedure of Köftür is protected throughout the ages, it is part and parcel of the gastronomic sustainability of Cappadocia. Therefore, Köftür is deemed to be among the rural delicacies contributing to the continuation of the sustainable culinary culture of Cappadocia.
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