Resort Otel Deneyiminin Turist Memnuniyeti ve Sadakati Üzerindeki Etkileri (The Effects of Resort Hotel Experience on Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty)
Tourist experience, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Resort hotelsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of resort hotel experience on tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Using both convenience and quota sampling methods, a total of 1070 useable questionnaires were collected from domestic and foreign tourists staying at five-star resort hotels in top resort destinations of Turkey (i.e., Antalya, Muğla, Aydın, and İzmir). To analyze the data, covariance-based structural equation modeling was performed. The study revealed that resort hotel experiences are six-dimensional: 1) physical facilities, 2) comfort, 3) design and environment,4) professionalism, 5) attentiveness and 6) guest interaction. The results indicate that all six dimensions of resort hotel experience positively influence tourist satisfaction. Nevertheless, only the latter three dimensions (i.e., professionalism, attentiveness, and guest interaction) were found to have statistically significant effects on tourist loyalty. The study also supports the mediating role of tourist satisfaction on the relationship between resort hotel experience and tourist loyalty.
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