Examining the Relationship Between Fast Food and Obesity: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Agenda
Fast food, Obesity, Systematic literature review, 6WAbstract
With the concept of “Laissez Faire”, a new paradigm has been formed which includes liberalization, privatization and economic reforms based on globalization. Within this paradigm, globalization proceeds in line with the goals of capitalism. Through causing important transformations in political, economical and cultural fields after World War II, capitalism has become the subject of debate for the consumption phenomenon which is one of the aspects that makes up the cultural structure. Sociological examination of consumption and capitalism starting with Marshall indicates that consumption cannot be taken into consideration separately from society. The eating habits of individuals is one of the areas that capitalism, which emphasizes on consumption rather than production and aims to achieve consumerism on a global scale, has shown its effects. The goal of this study is to examine the scientific research by analyzing the systematic literature review on fast food and obesity relations. To structure the tables, papers were reviewd through the lenses of Callahan's (2014) and Billore, S., and Anisimova (2020) review format of 6 W. For this purpose, it will contribute to the literature in three ways; identifying influential articles in the fields, visualizing trends of research areas and synthesizing areas for further research. The results show that adults were the focus population group of about twenty two articles either as children, or as aadolescent or pregnant women. Additionally, thematic areas are examined fast-food outlets after the relationship between obesity and fast food restaurants predominant investigation areas. Following the searches to reduce the positive relationship between fast food and obesity, traditional fast foods and consumption should be increased.
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