Plastik Mi Yenilebilir Ürünler Mi? (Plastic or Edible Products?)
Microplastic, Edible water, Zero waste, GastronomyAbstract
The use of plastic products has increased rapidly depending on the living conditions. The increase in the use of plastic products and the release of these products to the nature unconsciously revealed the new concept of "microplastic". Wastes defined as microplastics are expressed as plastic particles less than 5 mm; In nature, they can sometimes be taken from water, sometimes from soil, to food or directly to our body. These wastes include fragments of 0.1 to 5000 microns, fibers, spheroids, granules, pallets, flakes or beads, and different shaped materials that are a heterogeneous mixture. The edible packaging materials developed to reduce the use of plastic materials in the wastes have started to be offered to the consumers gradually. In the study, the effects of the use of substitute products such as edible water produced against microplastics on the health of consumers and to inform the consumers in this field.
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