Sosyal Medyanın Turistlerin Satın Alma Kararları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Erzincan-Kemaliye Örneği (The Effect of Social Media on the Buying Decisions of Tourists: The Case of Erzincan-Kemaliye)


  • Muhammed TAŞ
  • Ahmet ÜNAL
  • Burhanettin ZENGİN



Social media, Tourist preferences, Kemaliye (Eğin)


Social media, which is of increasing importance day by day, causes many businesses to change in their marketing practices and approaches. In this context, social media, which also deeply affects the tourism sector, has become an important area to work on. This study aims to determine the impact of social media on tourist decisions. In this respect, a face-to-face survey technique was used to collect the data of this research, which was designed as a quantitative study. With the help of the SPSS 21 package program, hypotheses developed for research purposes were tested by subjecting them to frequency, percentage, unfolding factor, independent Two-Sample t test and one-way variance (ANOVA) analysis. The scope of the study consists of local tourists visiting Kemaliye. The findings of the study reveal that tourists who prefer Kemaliye destination use social media effectively and that social media is effective on their touristic purchase decisions. According to the results of the analysis, the factor dimentions have been collected under five separate headings. the results of the analysis have shown that these factor dimentions does not differ in terms of gender variables, but there are patially significant differences compared to other variables.


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How to Cite

TAŞ, M., ÜNAL, A., & ZENGİN, B. (2023). Sosyal Medyanın Turistlerin Satın Alma Kararları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Erzincan-Kemaliye Örneği (The Effect of Social Media on the Buying Decisions of Tourists: The Case of Erzincan-Kemaliye). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 7(3), 2226–2250.

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