Çevrim İçi Yemek Sipariş Sitelerindeki Restoran Yorumları Üzerine Bir Çalışma (A Study on Restaurant Reviews on Online Food Ordering Websites)
Restaurant, E-WOM, Online food ordering, Online reviews, Online restaurant reviewAbstract
Consumers' interest in online food ordering services has gradually increased, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This development has also increased academic interest in the subject. However, studies on online restaurant reviews have remained limited. The current study mainly aims to examine consumer reviews on the online food ordering site, Yemeksepeti. A mixed-methods design combining qualitative and quantitative research methods was used in this study. First, content analysis was used to categorize consumer comments on the website Yemeksepeti, which provides online food ordering services. In the second phase of the study, the frequency values of the data analyzed in the qualitative phase were subjected to quantitative relational analysis. At this point, Chi-Square analysis was used to examine the possible relationships between consumer comments and restaurant type and restaurant class. The current study reveals that consumers' reviews on the online food ordering website, which is the scope of the study, are particularly flavor-themed. Furthermore, this study also reveals that there is a statistically significant relationship between consumer reviews and restaurant types and restaurant classes.
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