Turizmde Nöropazarlamanın Pazarlama Karması Kapsamında Kullanımına İlişkin Literatür İncelemesi (A Literature Review on the Use of Neuromarketing in Tourism in the Scope of Marketing Mix)
Neuromarketing, Tourism, Marketing mix, Consumer behaviourAbstract
Conventional researches on consumers have generally been based on answers that consumers think are rational. However, neuromarketing is a field that promises researchers much more than that. Neuromarketing researches have gained importance in recent years with the increase in application possibilities. Although the number of neuromarketing studies in the field of tourism is increasing, it is difficult to say that enough studies have been done yet. The aim of this study is to categorize the studies applied neuromarketing researches in the marketing mix together with other studies in the marketing literature. Thus, it is thought that a theoretical contribution will be made to the literature regarding the scope of neuromarketing researches. The literature view used for data collection and included 40 applied studies in Science Direct and Dergi Park databases to the research. According to the results of the study, 7 P of the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence) have also been the subject of neuromarketing studies. It has been observed that the researches mostly focused on promotion (advertisement) and people.
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