Artvin Destinasyonundaki Turizm Faaliyetlerinin Geliştirilmesine Yönelik Kamu Paydaş Analizi (Public Stakeholder Analysis for the Development of Tourism Activities in Artvin Destination)
Tourism activities, Public stakeholders, Artvin destinationAbstract
Artvin destination is an effective geography in regional tourism with its natural, cultural, historical and touristic values. Researches show that there are problems that adversely affect the development of tourism activities in Artvin provinces and districts, especially transportation conditions and geographical difficulties. The main purpose of this study is to generate ideas and bring suggestions with the viewpoints of public stakeholders for the development of tourism activities in Artvin, which is one of the important tourism destinations of the Eastern Black Sea Region, in a more effective, efficient and sustainable manner. In this context, it is aimed to present suggestions for improvement the tourism activities in the destination by obtaining the opinions of the administrators and officials who work in tourism related areas and units in public institutions and organizations in the city center and districts, such as governorship, district governorship, mayor ship, and public benefit association (non-governmental organization - NGO) and university. In the study in which qualitative research method was preferred, phenomenological pattern was used and maximum diversity sampling was made. NVIVO 12 qualitative research software was used for the analysis of the study, in which semi-structured interview method was used to collect data. As a result of the interviews held with thirty participants between 20 June - 04 November 2018, it was determined that the main issues that require effective, efficient and sustainable insights for the improvement and development of tourism activities in the Artvin destination are branding, promotion, cooperation, investment and management. In line with the results of the study, suggestions were made to public institutions and organizations, private sector enterprises and researchers.
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