Turizm İşletmelerinde Yapay Zekâ Uygulamaları: Fırsatlar ve Kısıtlılıklar (Artificial Intelligence Applications (AIA) for Tourism Businesses: Opportunities and Challenges)
Artificial intelligence, Integration, Tourism, Opportunity, ChallengeAbstract
The aim of this study is to contribute to the body of knowledge by identifying the opportunities and potential challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the tourism industry from the perspective of tourism businesses, and to provide practical recommendations for industry representatives. In this context, a review of the existing literature was conducted, and relevant industry practices were examined. The findings indicate that AI applications in the tourism industry offer significant benefits, including 24/7 uninterrupted service encounter, improved operational and labor efficiency, increased guest satisfaction, enhanced service quality, cost reduction, and personalized service delivery. However, it has been observed that there are also challenges for tourism businesses, such as the lack of creativity and human touch, high investment, installation, maintenance, and update costs, privacy and security concerns, resistance to change from employees and guests, and job security concerns among employees. The positive impact of these technologies on guest satisfaction appears to be possible through human and AI collaboration. Given the expected widespread use of AI in the tourism industry in the future, tourism businesses are recommended to adopt innovative and adaptive strategies. In this regard, the study emphasizes the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration for the sustainable integration of AI in the tourism industry.
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