Konaklama İşletmeleri Yöneticilerinin Akıllı Turizm Teknolojilerinin Olası Faydalarına Yönelik Algılarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Perceptions of the Managers of Accommodation Businesses for the Possible Benefits of Smart Tourism Technologies)
Accommodation businesses, Smart tourism technologies, Industry 4.0Abstract
This study aims to contribute to the relevant literature by evaluating the perceptions of managers of accommodation businesses for the possible benefits of smart tourism technologies. For this purpose, the research data were obtained by questionnaire in May 2019 from the four and five star hotels and five star holiday villages operating in Antalya province which obtained tourism operation license by using convenience sampling and quota sampling methods. As a result of the analysis of the research data, it is concluded that the managers of accommodation businesses have the perception that smart tourism technologies will increase the room sales and the image of the accommodation business at a high level and will save time at a high level.
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