Burdur İlinin Gastronomi Turizmi Potansiyelinin Swot Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Gastronomic Tourism Potential of Burdur Province By Swot Analysis)
Tourism, Gastronomy tourism, SWOT analysis, BurdurAbstract
This research; It includes the evaluation of tourism students' views, including the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Burdur province in terms of gastronomy tourism. Considering the characteristics of Burdur province, the current difficulty of gastronomy tourism in the region is expected to emerge with SWOT analysis and the existing expansion and expansion options are not expected. One of the qualitative search methods, interview technique is used; It has created a total of 24 voluntary impacts based on tourism targets and hosted by tourism enterprises operating in the province of Burdur. The gastronomy of the province of Burdur in discussions with participants strengths and weaknesses are examined in terms of tourism; tourism “in the province of Antalya, which is close to the city to be “the most powerful aspect is identified as a “tourism-related to be a lack of coordination and cooperation between institutions”, is among the weakest aspects of the region. When the opportunities and threats that the region has in terms of gastronomic tourism are examined; While “having a large number of local dishes that can receive geographical indications” is considered the best opportunity, the fact that” the tourism image of Burdur province is weak" is the biggest threat factor.
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