İlkokul Öğrenci Velilerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları ve Fiziksel Aktivite Durumlarının Belirlenmesi: Konya Örneği (Determination of Eating Habits and Physical Activity Status of The Parents of Primary School Students: The Case of Konya)
Nutrition, Nutrition habits, Nutrition information, Nutrition education, Physical activityAbstract
This study was planned to determine the nutritional habits and physical activity status of parents of students studying at primary school level in Konya city center. The study was carried out with 1263 female parents and the survey technique was used for data collection. In the interpretation of the data; "Frequence" was used to evaluate the frequency of variables and "t test" was used to determine the difference between groups. In the research; significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the worker and nonworking parents in the number of meals consumed, skipping main meals reasons for skipping meals, eating out, nutritional behaviors in psychological changes, physical activity levels and nutritional knowledge levels. As a result of the research; with the nutrition education to be given, it may be suggested to increase the nutritional knowledge level of parents, to provide practical nutrition training to gain correct eating habits, and to encourage the transformation of eating habits into behavior.
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