Şile İlçesinin Gastronomi Turizmi Potansiyelinin Swot Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Gastronomy Tourism Potential of Şile District by Swot Analysis)
Tourism, Gastronomy tourism, SWOT analysis, ŞileAbstract
In this study; It is aimed to determine the gastronomic tourism potential of the Şile district of Istanbul, to evaluate the strengths-weaknesses and opportunities-threats in terms of gastronomy tourism, and to make suggestions for the development of gastronomy tourism in the region. The research population of the tourism business managers/operators operating in the Şile district of Istanbul, and 22 operators/managers representing the 22 tourism businesses operating in the Şile district of Istanbul, which volunteered to participate in the research, constituted the sample of the research. Interview technique, one of the qualitative data collection techniques, was used in the research. In the interviews with the participants; The strengths of Şile in terms of gastronomic tourism are "its proximity to Istanbul, sufficient number of restaurants, alternative transportation opportunities", weaknesses are "the absence of geographically marked products belonging to the region and the lack of local dishes, the absence of regional dishes from the region in the menus of restaurants". are listed. Opportunities of the district in terms of gastronomy tourism are in the form of "closeness to Istanbul, ease of transportation, natural beauty", "the natural beauty of the district cannot be protected, population growth and crowding, local food is forgotten, local governments do not support tourism enterprises" factors are the gastronomy of the district. It has been emphasized as the current and potential threat elements it has in terms of tourism.
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