Investigation of Work-Family, Family-Work Conflict, Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction of Kitchen Staff According to Some Socio-Demographic Characteristics
Work-family conflict, Family-work conflict, Job satisfaction, Life satisfactionAbstract
This study aims to investigate the correlation between conflict and satisfaction among kitchen workers. The study examines 610 kitchen staff in 5-star hotels in Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey, using personal information form and subject-specific scales for data collection. The study found that employees experience work-family conflict more frequently than family-work conflict. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between work-family and family-work conflict, whereas a negative correlation was identified between both types of conflict and job and life satisfaction. Interestingly, family-work conflict was positively correlated with job satisfaction but had no significant impact on life satisfaction. The study found that individuals who worked longer hours experienced higher levels of work-family and family-work conflict, leading to decreased job and life satisfaction. In contrast, those who enjoyed their job reported higher levels of job and life satisfaction and lower levels of work-family and family-work conflict. The study's findings will aid in developing comprehensive solutions to address the identified issues among employees and employers.
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