Çiğ Beslenme (Raw Food) Akımında Çimlendirilmiş Hububat ve Baklagillerin Önemi (Importance of Germinated Cereals and Legumes in Raw Food Diet)
Raw food, Germination, Cereal, Legume, Nutritional propertiesAbstract
Raw food diet is based on the consumption of naturel, raw and unrefined food. Cereals and legumes are frequently preferred in the raw food diet. The germination process has very important effects on the nutritional values of cereals and legumes, and changes can gain various advantages to the products. Wheat, barley, oat, rye, rice, soybean, lentil, bean, chickpea, cowpea, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa can consume after the germination. During the germination process, protein, vitamin, mineral matter, dietary fiber, phenolic contents and antioxidant activity values of cereals and legumes increase. Also, the amount of phytic acid which is an anti-nutritional factor decrease as a result of germination. These changes reveal the importance of germinates products for raw food diet. In this review, it is aimed to investigate the effects of germination on various nutritional properties of cereals and legumes and to emphasize the importance of germination of cereals and legumes in terms of raw food diet.
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