Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Hizmet Hatası Telafi Stratejilerinin Müşteri Memnuniyeti ve Tekrar Ziyaret Etme Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi
Service failure, Service failure recovery strategies, Customer satisfaction, Revisit intention, Food and beverage businessesAbstract
The fact that production and consumption are simultaneous in food and beverage businesses, which are one of the important businesses of the service sector, and the consumer is involved in this process makes service failures inevitable. In order not to cause customer dissatisfaction, it is necessary to intervene in the relevant complaints with the most appropriate recovery strategies. Correct recovery strategies will enable customers to leave the business in a satisfied manner, as well as the revisit intention or to recommend the business to others around them. Based on this view, this study aims to determine the effect of service failure recovery strategies applied in food and beverage businesses on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. Within the scope of the research, 388 questionnaires were collected from a la carte restaurants operating in Çerkezköy, Tekirdağ between July 15 and November 15, 2023 by convenience sampling method. First, explanatory factor analysis and then regression analysis were performed on the data obtained. In the research, which is a quantitative study, it was determined that service failure recovery strategies have a significant effect on customer satisfaction and revisit intention. All of the research hypotheses were supported.
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