Turist Rehberliği Alanındaki Ön Lisans, Lisans ve Lisansüstü Programların Müfredatının Teknoloji ve Dijitalleşme Açısından İncelenmesi
Tour guiding, Education, Curriculum, Document analysis, TechnologyAbstract
Türkiye is the first and only country to offer higher education in the field of tour guiding at five different levels: associate, undergraduate, thesis, non-thesis and doctoral programs. The aim of this study is to examine the curricula of associate, undergraduate and graduate programs in the field of tour guiding with a holistic approach in terms of technology and digitalization. For this purpose, the current status of courses on technology and digitalization in the curricula of 36 tour guiding undergraduate programs, 23 associate degree programs, 10 non-thesis and 22 thesis master's programs and 3 doctoral programs in state universities in Türkiye was revealed. The courses collected under 5 themes were determined as Current Approaches in Tour Guiding, Social Media, Digital Literacy, E-Commerce and Technology Use and Digitalization in Tour Guiding. According to the findings of the study, although the proportion of courses on technology and digitalization varies according to the type of programs, it is quite limited in total courses.
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