Aşırı Turizm Kavramının Farklı Boyutlarıyla İncelenmesi: Instagram’da Paylaşılan Fotoğraf ve Yorumların İçerik Analizi (Examining of Overtourism with Different Dimensions: Content Analysis of Photos and Comments Shared on Instagram)


  • Fatmanur Kübra AYLAN
  • Serkan AYLAN




Content anaylsis, Overtourism, Instagram


The concept of extreme tourism expresses the situation that arises as a result of the demand for tourism, which is realized in the simplest sense for a destination, is more than the current supply capacity. The aim of the study is to reveal the perspectives of Instagram users towards overtourism. For this purpose, photos and comments shared between April and July in 2019 with the tag  "#overtourism" in Instagram to express feelings and thoughts about over tourism were  made content analysis and classified according to themes. 4532 sharings with the tag #overtourism constitute the population of study. the sample consists of 837 photographs and 448 comments shared between these dates. 1202 coding made with the data obtained; It is classified in 5 categories as tourist attractions, overtourism in destinations, promotion of touristic products, struggle against overtourism and complaints. Within the scope of the research, social media was found to be the primary reason for overtourism, since social media sharing in touristic places has a motivating effect on potential tourists.


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How to Cite

AYLAN, F. K., & AYLAN, S. (2023). Aşırı Turizm Kavramının Farklı Boyutlarıyla İncelenmesi: Instagram’da Paylaşılan Fotoğraf ve Yorumların İçerik Analizi (Examining of Overtourism with Different Dimensions: Content Analysis of Photos and Comments Shared on Instagram). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(1), 584–607. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.566

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